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Posts Tagged: 'mcu:+kamala+khan'

May. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]


I'm magic too now! I can move things with my brain! COME LOOK!



kamala khan - netpost

I need everyone to STOP THINKING SO LOUD!

I don't need to know about your dinner plans or who you like or THE DIRTY THOUGHTS!

And whoever has that Rick Roll song stuck in your head, pick something else!

Apr. 30th, 2024



[No Subject]

Fig made me think, PROM DRESS SHOPPING!!!!

Who's in? It'd also be good to know at least some of us aren't at risk of all wearing the same thing.


Just checking in, are you too mature and cool to come to a high school prom now? I'll go solo if I have to but we both know I'd much rather have the world's best boyfriend there.

Apr. 19th, 2024



kamala khan - netpost

[Private to Casa Danvers/Khan/Lang/Van Dyne + Loki and Thor]
You are cordially invited to dinner that I will be cooking on Sunday at 6 PM Pacific.

I feel like I've figured out Dad's recipes--spicy flavorful but not spicy hot--and I'll make a cardamom cake for dessert. I know it's short notice, but I hope you can all be there.

Would any legally licensed adult like to go driving with me?

Apr. 1st, 2024



kamala kahn - netpost

posted after school

[DM to Loki]
I made you a cardamom cake at school because I love it and thought you might at least like it. I have home ec, and I thought making it there would save me time, and I could get you a cake before the end of the day.

I dropped it on the way home, and someone on a skateboard ran it over. ☹️

So I bought you a cupcake from the store and left it for you outside your door. Your name is on it, so I hope people honor the label system.

If last month taught me anything, it's that I can trust my instincts, even if I don't like it. Also, there are a lot of people here looking out for each other.

I hope everyone's okay. If you're not, I know you will be.




I've gotta say. I can both appreciate and be creeped out by the fact that the government people let us know about disappearances.

[ filtered; Jason Todd & Quentin Coldwater ]
If you have been personally affected by the asshole known as Slade Wilson, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Or at least a round of drinks and/or dinner at my expense in an apartment that didn't get trashed. Or an actual establishment: your choice,

[ filtered; Donna Troy ]
I still haven't told him. Is this a "too late" kind of thing and I should have already and now we just pretend this never happened? You KNOW I am the worst at this feelings talking thing. Okay, less-worse than Bruce but still.



[No Subject]

I think maybe the grownups have a point and you probably shouldn't eat all your Easter candy ar one time.

Or at least the peeps. You shouldn't eat all your peeps at one time.

Mar. 29th, 2024



[No Subject]

I can't believe it's almost a new month already. Is it just me or does time seem to fly by a little faster here?



Network: Carol Danvers

April 1st is on a Monday this year.

That's both a warning and a brainstorming idea.

Take it as you will.

Mar. 25th, 2024



Network Post : The Doctor

Cereal. Is it actually soup?


Mar. 15th, 2024



kamala khan - netpost

What is this?

image uploaded )

I saw so many of them on my way to school spray painted on buildings, cars, and lampposts.

Is it a new band or something?



Network Post: Julie Molina

Guess who has two thumbs and got their learners permit?!

Mar. 14th, 2024



[No Subject]

hello, i'm new here. i'm still trying to wrap my mind around all of this. i still can't believe this is real and not some kind of dream. i'm not too sure what to do with myself right now. any suggestions?



Network: Cassie Lang

It is PI DAY! Who is coming with me to find the best piece of cherry pie?

Mar. 13th, 2024



[Filtered from all the Young children + new people] (13+)

Okay, all you nerdy science types—or not nerdy science types—what the hell is going on around here? I'm willing to listen to anything at this point.

Okay... Go!

(ooc: by new people, I mean characters that just showed up after March 1st as part of the plot)




Just a gentle reminder that there are children in this building.

And that some of us think Geneva is merely a bunch of suggestions. Guidelines, maybe. Do with that what you will.

Back to the note about children: who wants to do Go Kart Racing this weekend?

Mar. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

[Filtered away from Vision]

This is like super important. Dad has been acting.... weird. Not bad just... I don't know. Can Dad get computer viruses? Grampa Tony, Grampa Bruce? Can that happen?

Mar. 8th, 2024



Network Post: River Tam

Four different possible parallel universe theories. Four. Symbolizes wholeness but everything is broken.

Growing, growing, growing, but never colliding. Never supposed to collide. Strings vibrating. Ten dimensions. Eleven. Rules are different. My physics don't work here.

I've lost my bubble.

Mar. 5th, 2024



Network: Cassie Lang

[Filtered against the villains]

I want to help. I can help. This is our home and it deserves protecting.

Mar. 4th, 2024



kamala khan - netpost

[Filtered to Super-Powered Kids (18 and younger) (this absolutely includes Lila)]
The adults are stressed, and I want to help.

We shouldn't do anything stupid like try to fight any of these new people who are giving everyone the creeps on our own, but maybe we can be spies. Like, we can use our seeming lack of attention span to our advantage and just sort of be in common places "on" our phones, but we're really watching people's movements and listening to their conversations and reporting back to a group chat.

Is that a stupid idea?

That rain was almost as bad as a Nor'easter back home. I'm glad we don't live at the bottom of one of the hills here.