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Posts Tagged: 'mcu:+lila+barton'

Apr. 1st, 2024



kamala kahn - netpost

posted after school

[DM to Loki]
I made you a cardamom cake at school because I love it and thought you might at least like it. I have home ec, and I thought making it there would save me time, and I could get you a cake before the end of the day.

I dropped it on the way home, and someone on a skateboard ran it over. ☹️

So I bought you a cupcake from the store and left it for you outside your door. Your name is on it, so I hope people honor the label system.

If last month taught me anything, it's that I can trust my instincts, even if I don't like it. Also, there are a lot of people here looking out for each other.

I hope everyone's okay. If you're not, I know you will be.

Mar. 3rd, 2024



Network: Alex Mercer

[Filtered Away from Stiles]

Look, I wasn't going to say anything, because causing trouble is just not a thing I actively try to do, but

I don't think the person we've been interacting with for the last few days is Stiles.

I'm not even sure it's a person. I think it might be a vengeful spirit called the Nogitsune. It possessed Stiles before and hurt a lot of people he cared about.

I think it's doing it again.

Mar. 2nd, 2024



NPC: Sir Reginald Hargreeves

This is not the dimensional space that I had intended to enter.


Feb. 7th, 2024



natasha romanoff - net post

Stupid flowers

[DM to Bucky Barnes and Yelena Belova]
I need your help.

I'm at the school, in the theatre storage space, and I am caged.

There's no door. There's just enough room for me to sit. I can't get out on my own.

Please hurry

Feb. 6th, 2024



willow park - net post


First, I want to assure everyone that these are not the plants I've been working on. I don't know where the flowers are coming from, but it's not me.

Second, if you're stress baking, please stop! My apartment can't handle any more baked goods. I'm pretty sure I have every cookie, croissant, and cake from the entire neighborhood.

Third, if you want something sweet, please for the love of the Titan, come take something!

Fourth, if you still have your flowers, will you bring them to me? I want to test them.



[No Subject]

I'm taking the day to spend time with my girls.


I know asking if you want to miss class is a bad move, but I know none of us are happy to lose Viktor, so if you need anything, I'm here for you. Always.

Feb. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]


Just starving. I'm going to the nearest restaurant and spending all my money.

Also, I'm not sure who tucked me in.... but thanks?

Jan. 30th, 2024



[No Subject]

I know I ask a lot of these questions... we're going to chalk it up to existing thinking that my siblings were the only other people alive until I was 16...

but Valentines day is coming up and I'm not sure what I want to do with Cher yet.

And I feel like I've done the chocolates/teddy bear/nice dinner/flowers thing for like.... every anniversary and Valentines day.

I thought about renting out a like... hot air balloon or something, but those are like... they cost a lot of money.

I also thought about heart shaped pizza... but honestly, thats probably more for me.

So, everyone. Tell me about your favorite Valentines Gift given or received.

Dec. 1st, 2023



Network: Ben Hargreeves

Maybe it comes as no surprise to anyone, but all this weird weather stuff stops the instant you cross the city line.

The ball lightning this morning was kinda cool, though.

Nov. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

I know I've been away from home for a while but I know tornado weather when I see it.

If you're in a building with a basement get to it, but I don't think we have many here. Interior rooms, no windows, bathrooms or closets usually work well. Grab some pillows to cover your head, a mattress if you're able to move one around. Bike helmets are good, too.

Somehow I don't think San Francisco has tornado sirens. Keep a TV or radio on for warnings, the weather people are freaking out but I figure they can still manage that much.

Dads, I'm leaving school, if one of you can write me a note that'd be great. I don't know if they'll close or not, this obviously isn't normal here. Molly is leaving, too.

Nov. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Yelena, Bucky and Lila]

I know it's a lot with mom leaving. I know there isn't anything that I can do about it, but I am here for you.

Nov. 6th, 2023



Network: Hope Van Dyne

This is not my color.

Nov. 3rd, 2023




i dont want to talk about it

daisy i am sleeping in the leapfrog all weekend

Oct. 31st, 2023



network: emily bright

Does anyone else just get some weird vibes on Halloween? Outside the normal vibes, of course.

Oct. 1st, 2023



Network: Ben Hargreeves

Hargreeves Birthday! Hargreeves Birthday! Hargreeves Birthday!

Also, I got kicked out of my first study group, and I can't decide what I blame more: my fortune cookie or the jerk who had terrible opinions on immigrant issues. I couldn't just let it slide, so now I have to find a new one. Totally worth it. The new one will be loads better.

Castro Street Fair is today, and I need street fair food. Who's going with me?

Sep. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay. I don't know what being I've pissed off now... but I've tripped more times than I can count, got my locker stuck, failed a math test and burnt my grilled cheese.

And I can't help like it's this stupid cookie's fault. With its bad juju and shit.

"Bad luck and ill misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity."

I can't do this terrible day shit for forever.

Sep. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Thank you, everybody. That was honestly the best birthday I've ever had. I can't wait to spend all these gift cards and use my gifts! You're all amazing. Thank you so much for coming, I really did feel like a princess.

[Clint, Yelena, and Pepper]
And I mean that. Honestly, the very best birthday. Thank you so much.

Aug. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

So it's not like a super big deal or anything but my sixteenth birthday is next month. I don't know what I should do for it? Other than take my driver's test, I mean, that one's obvious.

Aug. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm calling for a Hargreeves family meeting that is actually a cuddle puddle disguised as a meeting. I'm ordering Thai.

Clint, Lila, Dylan, this includes you.

Aug. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

I feel bad, most people are having these really horrible trauma filled dreams. I'm just over here with this recurring dream where I'm missing my shots and hitting everyone in the butt.

So...sorry, friends and loved ones, if you feel something, dream me got you!