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Posts Tagged: 'wednesday:+enid+sinclair'

May. 16th, 2023




I do not think anyone has been hurt this time, at least. But I am here if anyone needs me.

[ filtered; Tony Stark 2, James Rogers, Steve Rogers ]
Who are you all today, please?

[ filtered; Ben Hargreeves ]
Thank you. You are a very kind friend.

May. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, my name is Louis. I'm not sure what I'm doing here or exactly how I got here. I was given a phone, computer, some money then dropped off here where I'm to live. This is strange. I would blame some I know, but for some reason I don't think they had anything to do with this.

May. 3rd, 2023



Network: Bucky Barnes

Feels like it's been ages since I've posted here. Not sure what I've missed- well, I avoided the whole dragon mess, I guess.

Apr. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

So, Dragons? Was anyone able to ride one? My name is Hermione Granger, and I have never been to San Fransisco. I have only read about it in books and papers. Is there a library?

Apr. 21st, 2023



Netpost: Ben - 4/21

I thought I was generally good at going with the flow, but this place decided to surprise me on just getting into a groove with it. Maybe it's the location Or the rain Or both It's certainly different being on the staying put side of the mysteriously leaving scenario. Plus the odd occurrences not being whatever villain of the week decided the show up. But it's good. This place is good. And I managed to get a used motorcycle to fix up. Maybe not the best way to spend some of the last of that 'welcome to the world' paycheck, but hey, it's all good.

[May and Peter Parker]
I owe you two a talk. I'd say I'm normally not over a month late on this sort of thing, but that'd be a lie. So, us and a talk. My place? I can cook up some dinner some night. As long as you're ok with burgers or grilled cheese or pancakes. I'd say you can bring along any of the extended family that you like, but this might be an over 16 talk.

[Pepper Potts-Stark]
Thanks for the tour of the place and giving me time to think. Possibly too much time to think. It might have turned into overthinking. Which isn't that surprising with me really. I'm not sure if there is actually a step before overthinking- and that is not the point. It's probably if I don't take a job in the lab right now. But other job openings, I'd be good. As long as I'm not setting up people schedules as I would likely put a bunch of meetings on Feb 29 without checking if it was a leap year or not. If there's anything available.

Apr. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

Everyone meet Luna! I adopted her on Tuesday and she's settling in just fine. A little ball of energy and purring machine. I'm in love. ❤❤

This way to the cuteness )



[No Subject]

I don't suppose they make leashes that would fit a large frog, do they?

Mar. 30th, 2023



Network: Morgan Stark

I met Mickey Mouse! And all the princesses!!!

[Monitored by Pepper Potts-Stark]

Mar. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

Christine still has one more day to get out of this. I can't imagine anyone would blame her.

If anyone was on the fence about attending the wedding, we did a final sampling with the caterer and I feel like that's worth showing up alone.

The shop will be closed for the weekend and the hours next week will be per Ned Leeds' discretion. He's in charge, please don't make him accidentally burn it down.

[The more parental types (I got tired of naming them all)]
Can I ask that you all check in on the girls? I feel like they're old enough and responsible enough not to need to stay with anyone, but I'd feel better knowing they've got eyes on them. We'll only be a portal away.

Mar. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

I have a job! I've been hired by a local fashion firm as junior fashion consultant assistant. My foot is in the door and there's room to move up in the company. I'm so excited and pleased.

Mar. 18th, 2023



19th March - Natasha Romanoff

Classes start back up at Cobra Kai dojo in a couple of weeks. I'm adding a few other options to the roster - dance, yoga, general self-defense as well as the traditional karate, if anyone's interested.

Let's plan a trip. Just the two of us.

Mar. 17th, 2023



Network: Jennifer Walters

No jokes about me being green on St. Patrick's Day.

Mar. 11th, 2023



Network: Bucky Barnes

I guess I should thank you all for the birthday yesterday, whoever was involved. My students got a laugh from the cobwebs, at least, but I'm gonna be cleaning those out for a week.

But next time, no glitter. Please. This is my official request in writing. No. More. Glitter.

[Enid and Wednesday]

Thanks for the dinner last night. And the very interesting cake.


I know you were behind this.

Mar. 8th, 2023




I've already recruited Belikov. We're "gently breaking into" Barnes' classroom before he gets to the school Friday morning and decorating for his birthday.

And by decorating I mean we are pranking him. Filling his drawers with dust and cobwebs, for example, because he's so old. If anyone would like to participate or give suggestions, let me know now. I'm picking up supplies tomorrow.

[ filtered; ENID & WEDNESDAY ]
Bucky's birthday is on Friday. We are pranking him at the school but I am going to leave money for you both to take him out to dinner either Friday or another day of your choosing. Just maybe not tomorrow/Thursday. We can't give him advance notice when he's probably forgotten his own birthday.

Mar. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

Things around here are sure never boring. Is everyone back to normal now?

Full moon tonight, as you probably already know. We have a good spot to change and run for the night, if you want to join us.

Mar. 3rd, 2023



Network: Ben Reilly

You know how you keep waiting to introduce yourself on a social media club and you keep putting it off and putting it off and putting it off and then surprise, people's powers are apparently swapping, which makes it awkward to say hi because you don't have your own powers and you assume that the middle of your forehead headache is just from eye strain because everything has been fuzzy and you keep wondering how awkward it would be to just do a general call for 'hey anyone have glasses I can borrow?' but that's not really why you've been having those headaches?

gif cut )

That said, how long do these things last as I could use some glasses in the meantime.

Other than that...

Hi. I'm new-ish. You can call me Ben R considering previous resident Bens. I'm still getting used to the... very kumbahyah hugs and friendly atmosphere as my universe is just a lot of worst assumptions and punch first and ask questions later, but.... if the designation of 616 rings any bells, raise your hands.

Also, uh, just... sleep help would be good. Or sleep help where you... stay in your body would be... really really good... I've had enough out of body experiences that I really really really don't need more.

Mar. 1st, 2023



Network: Albus Potter

I can't find my wand or do even the most basic wandless magic.

What is happening now?

Feb. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, my name is Leia Organa-Solo, I have only been here for a few days now.

Feb. 18th, 2023



Fail!Filter: Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler

Are you really here, too?



Network: Bucky Barnes

So, it's a long weekend. Does anyone wanna get out of town for a day? Don't really care where, just renting a car and going on a road trip sounds relaxing.

I need a break