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Posts Tagged: 'mcu:+loki'

Apr. 12th, 2023



Network: Loki

I'm still uncertain as to the purpose of a "Slip'n'Slide", but a journey down one amidst a great deal of red Jell-O appears to be in my future, if these rain visions are to be believed.

Apr. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

It is my brother Prince Loki's birthday today. He is a 1048, and my favorite of all my siblings.

I am pleased to host a feast in his honor full of Asgardian Ale, and as many foods as is fit for a God.

Please, celebrate my brother as he deserves.



Network: Loki

I didn't do (all of) it.

Mar. 17th, 2023



Network: Jennifer Walters

No jokes about me being green on St. Patrick's Day.

Mar. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Quentin Coldwater]

Lunch and shopping tomorrow?


Would you be available sometime this week drinks? Lunch?

Mar. 10th, 2023



Network: Loki

I have been stuck in this infernal bubble for THREE HOURS.

Anyone who laughs is going to wind up with lutefisk in their pillows for a month, mark me.

Mar. 1st, 2023



Network: Loki

How do you do, fellow Midgardians?

It is I, normal, boring Midgardian Loki, who can do nothing of any worth because he's been rendered human by some affront of natural forces.

How do you survive your days like this? It's appalling.

Feb. 26th, 2023




Matt's got me hooked up for DELIVERY. Clothes and stuff. Pizza tonight. But I really, really need to know two things:

1. Where's the nearest guitar shop because I need an acoustic ASAP
2. Who around here plays music? Writes? Sings? Any bands about?

I'm Luke. My band isn't here, though.

Feb. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Well, this is definitely not Tahiti.

I'm Phil, though it seems some of you might know me as Agent/Director Coulson. Formerly of SHIELD. I was told there might be folks I know here?

Matt Murdock - Looks like I'm your new roommate. I tend to keep things tidy, and am usualy a pretty good roommate.

Feb. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

There are so many ethical questions running through my mind, but I have to say I'm glad to be back at The Station.

Bruce? Are you here? How is your family? Matt? Loki? Wednesday?

Jan. 28th, 2023



[Soap Opera Group]

What manner of infernal racket are those sirens going off?

Also, I haven't been slapped this much since I was trapped in a punishment loop. Can't say I find that part fun.

Jan. 22nd, 2023



Soap Opera Filter

I feel like I should be used to this but having everyone gasp and ask "oh my gosh, how?!" when I go somewhere is going to get old fast.

Top that off with I now live alone and I've got a little shark at home who is likely eating the entire apartment, and I'm ready to get back any time now.

Jan. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Filtered to those 18+]

Top or bottom? Or both?

(Not sure if that type of filter is possible but can we say yes please for RP pretendy fun. Thanks!)

Jan. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

You know how it is when you're just going about your day and you hear a voice out of nowhere? There I was coming back to my place when I heard "What's in the bag?" I stopped, looked around, and didn't see anyone. So I carry on my way when I heard, "I said what's in the bag?" I stopped and looked all around again. I saw this lion walk out of the jungle that is now surrounding The Station. I stare at him, he stares at me. I'm thinking, so this is how I die, mauled to death by a lion in a jungle in San Francisco. Lovely.
I was sure I was trippin' )

Jan. 7th, 2023



Network: Jen Walters

Looks like my last minute gifts were a hit with the family. There really should be a law against dropping us off in the middle of the holiday season.

Happy new year, folks.

[FILTER: Loki]

Free tonight?

[FILTER: Matt Murdock]

How are you doing?



[No Subject]

It's not a good morning America (or wherever we are) when you wake up at 7 AM on a Saturday and can't get back to sleep. Any other early birds up that want to go grab some coffee? Or entertain aka talk to me. Right now coffee is about the only thing that will get me out of this bed. That or Jack Greystone knocking on my door. He's a model/actor that most have probably never heard of.

Jan. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

How the hell did I end up in San Francisco? I mean, it could be worse, but what nonsense is The Library or some God or Goddess up to? I need a drink. I need several drinks. Oh! Hi, I'm Eliot. Your resident former high king, mixologist king and the rest you'll have to find out if you dare.

Jan. 1st, 2023



Network: Loki

For a mortal celebration, that one wasn't so bad.

And to all the lovely people who graced me with a kiss at midnight, it was a pleasure. If you're wondering which one was the real me, well, you already know.

Happy New Year, fellow Stationaries.

Dec. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

How do you

[Filtered against Lydia]

I know it’s not a competition. But how do you compete with someone getting you something for the 12 days of Christmas that isn’t the 184 birds? Not that anyone would want the birds but it’s actually really thoughtful gifts that won’t end with anyone getting psittacosis.

Anyway how do you compete with that? Not that it’s a competition because it isn’t. I’m just wondering. For science.

[Filtered to Lydia]

You’re really spoiling me.

Dec. 18th, 2022



Network: Loki

People simply... vanish?

That's something that just happens with no warning?

Do we know what becomes of them? Are they being pruned by the TVA?