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Jul. 19th, 2019



tvd + new orleans

New problem to add to our never ending list of problems.

Silas is here. Because Stefan needed yet another lookalike.

Jul. 18th, 2019




So, what does something like that entail and how long do werewolves actually live?



[No Subject]

[Filtered away from the soldiers/associates]

So what are we going to do about these dicks with guns? Because I already broke one's jaw for making comments about my tits. And I'm guessing we're all sick of our people being taken.

[Filtered to the Prison]

A reminder that I offer a humans only self defense class. No offense to the powered types meant, you guys have your own skills. But for any humans who want to be able to fight and hold their own, I do more than just jaw breaking.

[Filtered to Serena]

How are you? Any word on Emily or Hanna?

Jul. 16th, 2019



text post: hope mikaelson

So...Uncle Kol needs my help with a spell.




I need to borrow you to perform a spell. It's best you cancel whatever tired plans you have today, niece.



text post: shuri

I do hope everyone is alright after everything the other day. I have been working to repair some damage to my lab but I am available if needed.

Jul. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

Everyone okay? That was a little crazy.

Dad John
Are you okay?

You and your friends are okay, right?

Jul. 14th, 2019



text post: daisy johnson

Okay, so I just need everyone to know that wasn't me.

Jul. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

Yeah, fuck this. They're dead.

Did you hear her?

Jul. 11th, 2019



[No Subject]

I don't understand what any of this is. What have you done to me? Where is Richard?

Jul. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

private to the infirmary staff
Thank you for being patient with me. I'll start picking up shifts tomorrow.

private to Wanda
I know you didn't have to be, but thanks for being there.

private to Jo the second
You're staying out of trouble, right?

private to Oliver
We should probably talk.



[No Subject]

I'm going out for a run.


Are you settling in alright?



[No Subject]

Doing things this way is hell. How do you people do this?

How do you do things this slowly?

Also, does anyone need anything? I'm starting to get restless.




So now Claire is captured. They will burn for this Yet one more taken by them, and another, and another. Wow they're really pushing it, aren't they? It's almost like they WANT us to go find their HQ and blow it off the face of the earth. If I was better at tech stuff, I'd take all the prison footage of us fighting, like during Kai's zombie/vamp attack against us, just video of the highlights, everyone's badass and destructive powers in action, just compile a clip show of how we obliterated them. And then the caption reads-- "Do you really want to fuck with us?" and blast it on network. Wishful thinking, I know.

Oh. Will is gone, and I think his boyfriend too. Which sucks. Will was a healer. So if we need an emergency healer (like I did with Arthur) as a backup/reserve for Medical, count me in. I'm ready to pitch in or do whatever to get them back, or question soldiers. I can be field healer or teleport evac, or both. I'm also hoping that when we do get them back, that there are consequences for the other side. They want a war, we can give them one. But really, I don't know how they got Claire. I hope she wasn't taken from in here, otherwise that would mean a bigger problem. Fuck whoever did that! You dirty, cruel, evil piece of shit




Merlin? Where did you go off to now? Please don't tell me, all that insisting and groaning about me staying put, just for you to go and.. dammit. We're supposed to be a team.

Has anyone seen my manservant friend Merlin? Blue shirt, red scarf, does magic? And apparently famous from what it says in a few books I already looked through I can't find him and his things are missing.

Also. I'm a sentry. I don't have my sword with me, so any chance I can borrow one from the armory? Is there one in there? And do I really need to learn to use guns? it's just... new to me, is all. This whole time period is new.



[No Subject]

Curfew? Oh really, now. Fool, don't they know my kind have to be out at night And now people are missing? This cannot go unpunished. If I happen to see someone in the process of 'capture', the offenders will be severely punished.

And this also goes for anyone helping them or assist them in any way, as well as any soldiers directly involved in the kidnappings. I have a pile of long wooden stakes that are just waiting to be used! Just tempt me I'd really love the opportunity. And if anyone else might like to borrow a few to use them as well, just let me know. I have plenty to spare.



[No Subject]

Who plucked me out of the Hell division of Wolfram & Hart? This wasn't in my contract.

Jul. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

I need you to come to the prison.

You doing okay?



[No Subject]

I can't find Claire. Or Aunt May. I've looked all over the prison for both of them and I can't find them anywhere!

[Private - Avengers]

I know I said I'd stay in the prison but I can't! If they have May or Claire.....I gotta get them back!



text post: daisy johnson

Sit rep? Now I'm starting to sound like May