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Mar. 13th, 2008


[VIMH] 33 - Makes you stronger.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

I'd be inclined to agree. People I've met show me this and who am I to disagree? No one.

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Myself for one. I was in a wheelchair but I never let that stop my hopes of walking again. In the end? I'm walking all over the place. It didn't kill me and made me stronger in my determination to do it.

Logan Cale - Dark Angel - 497 Words

Oct. 1st, 2007


Prompt 14: What do you dream about?

[locked from everyone]

I dream about semi selfish things. Max and I being together again, this damn virus being cured or just running it's course. I'd love that really. To be able to touch the woman I love again, to just lay there and hold her in my arms. To be able to make love to her and hold her afterwards. To be able to hold her hands without gloves and marry her someday. To raise a few children maybe. I know it may be pointless to wish for but sometimes that what wishes are. Things we may never have right?


[locked to those who know of transgenics]

I wish that someday the transgenics can just have their own lives. That they have the same rights that we have, that they are viewed as equals. That they can marry whomever they choose to. That they can have children and be able to raise them wherever they wish. That they'd never have tro fear for their families. That they were safe. They aren't bad, they just want what everyone else has. A change to be who they want and have anything they desire.


I wish for world peace and a place where there is no discrimination.

Logan Cale // Dark Angel // 201 words

Sep. 27th, 2007


Prompt #11 - What do you want?

The things I want are simple. They are what everyone wants. Love. Happiness. Family. Friends.

I want the people I care about to be happy. I want them to have everything they could possibly want.

[locked from those who don't know he is Eyes Only, and don't know about transgenics]

I want Max and the rest of the transgenics to be able to lead normal lives. For them to have the same rights as everyone else. To be able to marry, to have families, and be able to raise them safely.

I want the virus gone so I can hold Max again, so I can just keep her close. So that maybe we can have a life together. Maybe we can get married, have a few kids someday, watch them grow up and have lives of their own.

For the transgenics to not have to hide in Terminal City, so they can be on their own. Have a whole life of their own.

Logan Cale
Dark Angel
158 Words

Jul. 28th, 2007


Prompt #3: Thoughts on Love

My thoughts on love have been askewed over the years. It's something I want but just never seems to find me. I was married and that just didn't go well. I was engaged for a short time to another and that ended rather fast.

Then we have Max Guevara. A woman I would gladly settle down with. Maybe marry someday. I know it's cliche to say she's unlike any other woman. Though with her it's true, even if there are others like her. She may even have a twin but she is the only one like her. She stands up for what she believes in no matter what may happen to her. Though Manticore has seen fit to even mess that up. Hopefully a cure is found soon for the virus she has been infected with. Because not touching the person you care about at all? Can drive a man insane.

Logan Cale
Dark Angel
150 words

Jun. 24th, 2007


Prompt #1 - Who am I?

I'm Logan Cale. If the name sounds familiar to you, you may have heard of my Uncle Jonas Cale. Most see me as a rich brat and I guess at times I can be, but i use it to my advantage. I'm a bit of the black sheep of the family I guess. I became a cyberjournalist and ended up having to go underground when we began getting shut down for telling the truth.

[locked to those who don't know he is also Eyes Only]

I'm also Eyes Only. Head of Free Voice a corporation aiming to take down corruption. I have contacts. I have a few friends that know who I am really. I can be found talking often on the rights of the transgenics. I'm passionate about it because I believe they deserve a life of their own just as we do.



Logan Cale
Dark Angel
142 words
