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Dec. 15th, 2007


Prompt #22 -- To the mun

Dear Jen,

I know your brain has the attention span of a retarded sand flea, but please, stop forgetting about me. I'm actually one of your most active headvoices, not that you'd know it from how often you write me. *glare*

Also? Please make Karla and Rose stop with the game of Dueling Emos or whatever it is they're doing. Your headspace scares me. (Besides, I'd out-emo them both, were I the sort of man do do that.)

Not exactly a man of many words, so I'll just repeat: stop forgetting about me. Especially when I'm awake and actually inclined to work!

Disgruntled love,

Muse John Winchester
Fandom Supernatural

Open for comments here.

Nov. 12th, 2007


Prompt #14 -- What do you dream about?

I dream about my family, the days when we were whole and everything was different.

I dream about things being that way again, and perhaps that is my most painful dream. Because things can't be that way, things will never be that way, and yet there's still a part of me that'll always keep on wishing for it.

The boys would get a kick out of that, I think, knowing there's a sentimental side to their old man. Though I think they already know it, not that I ever really let it show for long.

After all, in this business, sentimentality often gets you killed.

Muse: John Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural

Open for comments here

Aug. 13th, 2007


Prompt #2 -- Family

Family was all that I had, and then I lost even that.

It was a small family, made so by the fact that I didn't want to let anybody else get close to us. People get close, means we -- and they -- were opening ourselves up to getting hurt again. The boys had already lost their mother. I wasn't going to ask anybody else to come into that.

So yeah, it was a small family. Just me and the boys. But it worked for us. We did well enough. We might've had our problems, maybe more more than our share, but we've done all right. We've survived.

My family might be down to just the boys now, but that's all right. Because I love them and I'm proud of them, moreso than they'll ever know.

Open for comments here
