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June 28th, 2019



text post: myrcella baratheon

This party sounds like so much fun!



text post: mia smoak

Anyone feel up for sparring? Or some archery lessons?




Your friends made a mistake.



[No Subject]

Not that I'm complaining about the lack of a need to work, but it gets really boring around here pretty fast, doesn't it?


So, there's apparently a party for the fourth. Want to go with me?

Also, how are you holding up? I feel like we haven't talked much since we came in together. Can't say I blame ya for seeking out better company than myself though. Heh.

So, any change you're as good a cook as you are at making end-of-the-world coffee pretty damn good (considering)? I just got back from raiding and I'm starving. Who knew a symbiote scarfing down zombies would make me hungrier. Ugh.


I wasn't going to say anything, thinking it would be obvious but I realized I'm dealing with people from other places... other universes so I can't be too careful.

I'd like you to keep what you saw to yourself. I'd rather not raise an alarm among the people I live with when I've got the symbiote under control.




Who would I need to speak with about procuring some new books?

I should hope there would still be plenty of books out in the world somewhere.

I don't mean to be so unforgiving, but the state of this library in this place is devastating.

And since we do not have a librarian, I have taken it upon myself to appoint one. That is to say, myself.

I trust no one would have any disagreements about that? If so, I do not mind sharing the work.

More the merrier, after all.