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May 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Sometimes I wonder what affect this place would have on home. Not that I'd want zombies running around anywhere.

Also, I plan to head out overseas. Does anyone need anything that I might be able to find there?



[No Subject]

Someone got me to thinking. We're all establishing relationships here, so what happens when we eventually go home? Or we get sent home. It's not like we can go with the person that we've fallen in love with. At least, not if they're from a different world all together.



[No Subject]

I'm starting to get bored. Which means that I need to find something to do with my hands, down in a lab. Or just anywhere in general. I don't care how bad that sounds. Does anyone need anything made or have some kind of idea they have on paper but can't make happen? If so, throw it at me and I can see what I can do.




What's the verdict? You hear anything yet?