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May 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

What the heck is going on here? Where am I?



[No Subject]

I can't believe it. I'm actually human again. Very strange. I haven't been human in over five hundred years. This.. may take some getting used to. Not sure what to think of it.

Were this still the 1500s, I'd gladly accept human life again. But five centuries is a long time to live life one way. I only wish my son were here with me. To be a family again. Well, it's a nice dream at least.




Are we all human now?



[No Subject]

Damn. This is totally fucked and not in a good way. I can't teleport or make anything move. Or fire Or heal either, which means I can't heal others too. I'll have to be really careful to not get myself injured, then. But I'm really hoping no one got my powers. Being the Antichrist isn't an easy life, though I can make it look that way

So, if anyone out there has telekinetic and healing abilities? And explosive pyrotechnics. And teleportation. And maybe if you can also change water to alcohol, or walk on water, or have dreams about past history events Then you probably got what I have- err, had. Just try not to be in stressful surroundings, or get angry, or agitated... just trust me on that. It won't be good.


Hey there, handsome chef. So are you affected too? Did you wake up different today? My powers are gone. Everything. But hey.. I still got my looks, right? So I'm curious if you might want to have lunch again, since last one was nice. Or we could always do some exercise together. Even when I had powers, I still did workouts to keep myself fit.



[No Subject]

Ya know, it's gonna suck when this wears off and I have to walk everywhere again.


Can I turn into a boy?


So did anything happen to you??



[No Subject]

Well... The suit still isn't coming off, and no one seems to have any answers as to what and why this is happening.

Anyways, names Ironheart.




So did you wake up different too?



[No Subject]

Oh, I'm high!

Wait, no I'm not. Am I? Did I get high and not notice?

Where did the dead go?