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December 18th, 2018




Lost a couple friends. Vanished, I think. The first is Jay from the Isle. My raiding partner. The second person is King Hottie Ben Florian. Sentry and former King of Auradon. This is why I don't get close to people, you always lose them We hadn't even f Oh, and I probably should mention since there was some mystery about who Ben's boyfriend is. Or was. It was me, I'm the guy. Though I'd imagine some might know already, if they saw our kissing fest outside my cell the other day

Ben also told me he'd never heard of Pacino, to which I said, "WTF, dude?" They don't seem to have them in Auradon. So no Scarface, Godfather, HEAT, Devil's Advocate, none of that. I'd hoped to watch some with him. But at least Jay got to watch a few. I'm guessing the kingdom frowns on anything with fighting, explosions, or cursing? Which is a shame, they're missing out on some good stuff.

Anyway. I'm going out to raid soon for a couple days. Really need to be alone right now I'm keeping an eye out for the usual - food, clothing thread, spices, medical. Any special requests you'd want me to add to my list, feel free to tell me here, or text me [phone number] anytime.



[No Subject]

What is this? I'm not supposed to be here.

Jace? Where is Jace?



[No Subject]

And here I thought hell would be a little more.. eventful. Maybe some fire. Kind of a let down if you ask me.



[No Subject]

hullo? Thisis a strange contraption. Rather like a type writer I suppose.

Michael? John?



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Harry Hook]

So, happy dance time, the bratty boy king has gone! As has been revealed by his apparent boyfriend, which is bizarre. And Jay's gone too. It's a good day.

Though warnings of something called a Krampus, which is apparently a 'Christmas demon'. I have no idea, just be careful out there.

[Filtered to Hadie]

Are you as bemused as I am?

[Filtered to Anthony Tremaine]

You, me, celebrating. Naked.

There may be something that could be considered cuddling after. Since we're doing this properly now.

[Filtered to friends]

This is a good day.



[No Subject]

Are the Christmas drinks literally just like the other drinks, but with peppermint?

[delinquents + pirates + tink]

I think we should do this whole Christmas thing. The tree, whatever decorations we can find, etc. Might as well have some fun.

Also, try not to wander too far right now. There is something called Krampus roaming around. Seems to be dangerous. If we go out, we go out in pairs.



[No Subject]

Perfect season for some eggnog or hot chocolate.

Can I sleep with you tonight? Plus I thought we might also plan some gifts for our family.

Um, did you want to exchange gifts for Christmas? I mean we don't have to, but I thought it might be nice.