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November 5th, 2018



text to Lydia Martin

Hey.. how have you been doing? I know this will be weird coming from me.. but I miss seeing you like we did back home. Maybe we can hang out sometime if you want to?



[No Subject]

I got something from home! I didn't even know that could happen. My scooter showed up. I'll have to figure out where to put it but I'm sure I'll be able to find a place for it inside the prison I think. For now I'll go for a ride.



[No Subject]

So since somebody freaking went through my shit and ruined it - ARIA, how about I just put on blast the inner thoughts of this 'nice girl' who isn't exactly nice.

I don't know who the hell Molly is, but she has a lot to say about you. Like how everything with Kai is your fault. And you're an idiot. You're welcome.

Grace and Lily are crazy versions of their mothers, especially Lily. Oh, don't worry Grace. You're an airhead just like Emily. Says so in bold letters. And a freak of nature because you're like a deranged Elsa? LOL. What the fuck is an Elsa?

LOL. Oh, Jason. Do you really wanna know???

Dom. Ooh, says here she thinks you're a lesbian because you keep giving her the eye. But she's not into that. Sorry :(

And Coco. Wow, she straight up said you're a whore.

Who needs Gossip Girl when there's Aria. Unless Aria is Gossip Girl????

Whatever, this is me paraphrasing but you get the gist. Let this be a lesson not to ruin my fucking things that my boyfriend took forever to find. I know you need it, but don't use mine and get your fucking own.



[No Subject]

As you all know by know the Inn was attacked by Kai and his miscreants. What may not have been said is that Kai was not alone. His followers now include my sister. He is able to control any vampire that he wishes. Perhaps even myself if he wanted to. I'm not sure who else he has under his control but the number is great.

The Sodding Useless Vampire Authority
What are you lot doing besides absolutely nothing? I feel as if this matter is above your pay grade. It's well above mine.

Mystic Falls
Stefan was there. If any of you have seen or spoken to him I ask you to be wary. He is under Kai's control.



[No Subject]

Being here hasn't been the best for me. Reminds me to much of how it was back home minus the damn zombies. However.. this morning my bow showed up. I was very happy.

I know we have a few archers here maybe we can try to practice sometime together?



[No Subject]

[Filtered to archers, engineers and the prison council]

So like some of the others I got something from home, specifically a quiver of my super cool arrows. And as much as I want to play with them all, bigger picture kind of girl. Who wants to take a look at them and see about replicating the awesome?



[No Subject]

private to Damon
I'm bored. I'm coming over.

private to Care
Stefan's under Kai's influence. I'm checking to see if Damon is. I'm going to do a locator spell on both of them if I have to, plus Rebekah. Then we're going to need to take them down and lock them up. So, girls night?

private to Elena
Hey, I'm just checking in. How are you doing?



[No Subject]

Hard to think our problems used to just be zombies.

...I am so sorry. I was talking to Bonnie and I wasn't careful enough. Now one of my mom's is threatening to kill you. I know Bonnie is going to use a stupid tracking spell to get a location and I don't think my spell is strong enough.

But there is probably a delay before they look for me. Kai did something to Stefan. Which means he comes first.

Omg. Kai might do something to my mom as well.

What do I do? I don't want to put you and Ty in danger.

Your dad said you are okay.



[No Subject]

This is exactly what happens when people play with black magic.

Josie, what did you and Hope do now?



[No Subject]

Fuck! This shit is worse than back home.



text post: claire bennet

Are you alright? Someone out there is controlling the vampires and attacking people.



[Jean Grey]

Once all of this settles, when it settles. Would you care to go on a date with me?



[No Subject]


I am quite sure all of you have been made aware of the Heretic named Kai. He has crossed over into some forbidden magic and now poses a dangerous threat. Kai Parker has deemed himself fit to use necromancy to control vampires and zombies.

We can't rely on vampires to kill Kai and it sounds like the slayers may not be up to the task. Care to do some hunting? I will, of course, supply anything I can in order to help you.


I realize the sanctuary is a place to feel safe and a means to avoid Kai Parker, but I fear he is getting more powerful every day.

It is time we took care of this issue since he has decided to toy with necromancy.




Tara and I were talking about setting up a secondary home in the woods for us, you, and Nora.

In case some asshole crashes Fangtasia again.



[No Subject]


...seems that Kai Parker guy can control vampires.



[No Subject]

Might be about time to take another trip.

Can you wiggle those pretty fingers and make sure I am protecting from Kai's mind fuck?

Stay safe, love.



[No Subject]

I don't like what's going on out there. It's making my skin crawl.



[No Subject]

Oh, bippity boppity! This is not Auradon.

Mal? Lonnie? Someone?