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October 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

The lockdown is lifted.

[Derek and Chris]
Where's Faith?

The prison's off lockdown. The demon was exorcised.



Where the hell are you?

[Witches in the prison]
I need a location spell.

[Transgenics/Logan + Prison Council]
Faith is missing. She was supposed to go on some fucking trip with Chris and Derek and that's where I thought she was, but Chris said she never showed. But she's been gone. Something happened.




Did anyone see Faith leaving about a week ago? She’s missing.



[No Subject]

Has anyone seen Tyrone Johnson?




I went to Faith's office and Alec kicked me out. From what I heard it sounds like she's missing.



[No Subject]

The next time something goes wrong with my daughter, I need to know immediately. I don't care if you have to send out a damn carrier pigeon. I need to know. I lost her once and I will NOT lose her again.

[Prison inside and out]

If anyone has seen Faith, don't hesitate to let us know. She's not here and no one knows where she is.


I have a stack of romance novels for you. Quite a few of them are in a series. You're free to come pick them up when you get the chance.



[No Subject]

Oh, Miss Edith is going to be mad in the morning. The stars are screaming. They are ever so upset.

Where am I? This wrong. All wrong.



[No Subject]

[Mom Dawn]
... Are you okay out there or whatever?

I know you're tired of hearing this, but I'm going to go out there to see her. This is so fucking weird.



[No Subject]

Huh. It's not every day that one finds himself minding his own business one moment and then tumbling out of a portal into a a hoard of feral ghouls the next.

I was also unaware of anywhere in the wasteland that had managed to survive more untouched than the New Vegas strip.

Would someone be so kind as to tell me where in the Hell I am?



[No Subject]

Has anyone seen my sister? Answer's to Dagny.

[isle kids]
None of you have vanished, right?



[No Subject]

I didn't realize I would miss things like haunted houses until I ended up here.


Hey, Dawnie, I was wondering if you'd want to hang out with me for a bit? I thought I might go for a walk now that the lockdown is over.



[No Subject]

So that was fun.


The prison lockdown has been lifted, apparently the demon or succubus or whatever it was has been dealt with.

I'm going to go out for a few days. Need some air after all that.



[No Subject]

The chances of me being eaten again are back down to just the zombie levels now, right?


So thanks. For saving my life.


I figure I sort of owe you guys for letting me stay here while I healed and that thing was out there. So if I'm allowed to stay then maybe I can help with stuff. When I'm not being used as a fence decoration/entree I'm a fairy and I can fly faster than any other fairy has ever managed before. I make the sound barrier my bitch. I can also make winds happen. Is that any use to you?


I miss home.



[No Subject]

[ooc: aka DCTV peeps, inc. Constantine and Zed!]

Check in? Are we all alright?



[No Subject]

Someone needs to tell me what just happened. One minute I'm home and the next minute I'm out in the middle of a damn field, with nothing for miles around.



[No Subject]

Can someone tell me exactly what is going on?

And what exactly was it that I blasted into oblivion?