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September 20th, 2018




Guess who's off restriction? Temporarily.



[No Subject]

Slayers + Dawn + Adam + Mike - Faith

We're having a little get together. I think it's about time we had a little normal in our lives. There's a cabin not far from the prison. Molls and I are taking care of most things, bring who you want.


Hey, I heard you were the one to go to for the hook up.



[No Subject]

Funny what things you can find out in the Projects. What things you can find in general. Like watches that need fixed. So, if anyone needs anything fixed I can do just that. I'm proficient with watches but can fix just about anything that is thrown at me.

Perhaps I should see about a record player, as well.




So, the slayer who put me on her watch is in Portland for a week, so we're going to have a get together tomorrow night. I was wondering if you wanted to come?




Some of my friends are throwing a party tomorrow night. Who's in?