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September 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

Before dawn this morning I'm out trackin game, and something grabs my attention. Strong wind blowin up from the southwest- heavy with the scent of blood. Not undead, not animal. Human. Fresh. So I investigate. It's easy enough to follow. I'm thinkin maybe a stronghold or a caravan went under. But the closer I get, I ain't getting a strong scent of Zeds. In fact, there aren't many of them around at all. I follow it for a few more klicks, when the scent just goes. Doesn't end. Don't lose it. It's gone. Like it was never there. That doesn't happen.

So here I am waitin all day for it to be all over the Network. Strength of the scent means at least six people are dead- minimum. That's gotta make waves. Instead nothin. Somebody knows something. If I don't get some answers sharpish, I'll head back out there and find some of my own. And I won't be askin nicely.



[No Subject]


I wanted to speak to you about this new Authority.


Hey sweetie.

You remember that friend you told me about in the prison.



[No Subject]

Did you see the announcement? This might be the step that we need for us to assist with the protection of the vampire race.

Are you well, zombie slayer?



text post: hope mikaelson

Please don't let mom send me to the prison, I want to stay with you.

Mom is trying to make me come to the prison now.



[No Subject]

I think it is time to do some sightseeing.

How do you feel about that Vampire Authority? Never been a big fan of bloody leadership myself, but doesn't look like I get a real say in this.

I wish you remembered, love.

I'm going away for a bit, poppet. Do be careful when talking to strange vampires. Not all of them are as awesome as I am.



[No Subject]

I found a book of old Earth holidays. I am not quite sure I get the point of most of these, but I guess it doesn't hurt to learn more about this culture.

[Grounders & Deliquents]

Family dinner in 3 days. We've earned this celebration.



[No Subject]

Has anyone else recently experienced any loss of time or episodes of sleepwalking?

I've heard that odd events are the norm around here and am hopeful that the answer to that question will be a yes.



[No Subject]

I know we're all trying to survive and shit, but what's there to do? Is there at least a set of Connect Four?



voice post: rey

Hello? This is Rey. Can anyone hear me?

Is there anyone from the Resistance out there that can help me? I seem to have...inexplicably ended up on this planet, though I don't remember flying here.

Has anyone seen a Wookie?

Please, I must get word to the Resistance at once.



[No Subject]

He's not here. He's not. It's just the name. That's all I saw. It's not him. It didn't look like him. He's not here.



[No Subject]

What the bloody hell is this?

No pun intended, of course.



Posted as Spider-Man

I got some of those dead dudes webbed up to a tree at [location] if anyone else wants to come...you know....

I've never had to kill anyone before.



[No Subject]

I know that I attempted prayer in the hopes that my circumstances would change, but this is not what I had in mind.