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Posts Tagged: 'c:+theo+wolfe'

Aug. 12th, 2019



[tw - sibling loss]

instagram post! )

Aug. 2nd, 2019



instagram post! )

Jul. 31st, 2019



I need someone to talk me through something that's been on my mind since before this latest round of memories even became a thing. I need to know if I'm just being impulsive, or if it's a bad idea, because it really doesn't feel like a rash, or bad idea. It feels right. But I also know that I'm still in a weird place mentally so I could just really use a second opinion before I do something that isn't received well.

And that was all very vague and probably ominous, I realize. Basically, I want to ask Danielle to marry me. I just know that, whatever obstacles we still need to get through, it's easier when I'm getting through them with her. I don't want to wait until everything's perfect because nothing will ever be perfect. That's not life. I want to do this messy, imperfect, unpredictable life by her side.

So yeah. There it is. What do you think?

Jul. 25th, 2019



This might be a bit belated, but I didn't really want to say anything until I knew that things were going to for sure happen. When Theresa and I first bought this place, it was with the intent that it would be a starter home. Any of you that have been over here know it's not the biggest of houses and with Zoe getting older and the dog not getting any smaller, we're outgrowing it. We probably actually outgrew it a few years ago, truth be told but I.

Anyway, all that to say that I've spent the summer working with a realtor and we found a place. My offer was accepted last night and Zoe has already picked out her bedroom, so we're as good as moved in. I'm going to hang onto the current house and rent it for a while, but we're hoping to close by the end of August. The place is over on Westover, so close to the Winters and the rest of the Wolfes. I liked growing up over there, so it seems fitting for Zoe to do the same. Plus, it will make it easier for Mom to do her surprise visits, which I'm sure she'll appreciate. It's a weird time of year to be doing this with school starting up and [...] everything else, but that's how it works out sometimes.

Anyway. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be hiring skilled box carriers in the near future. Can't promise the pay is great, though.

Jul. 17th, 2019



So, hello! I'm Ezra. I'm new. Well, newish considering I lived here almost two decades ago? I'm not sure how many people I might have known back then are still here, but I would have been Aurelius Class of 2007 had my family stayed in Dunhaven, if that helps.

Anyway, I probably wasn't all that memorable, either way, so let's just pretend I'm new! I'll be taking over ownership of the local zoo, and am incredibly excited about some additions we'll be making to what we already have here. We'll officially announce those once some of the details are a bit more cemented, but it's going to be pretty cool, I think.

That being said, I've got nothing going on until Monday morning, so what suggestions do you have for me rediscovering Dunhaven?

Jun. 25th, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 12th, 2019



I know today is a busy day, but I'd there any chance I could steal a few minutes of your afternoon? I'll come bearing food-type gifts and Happy Mother's Day tidings!

So I thought today might be the most opportune time to tell you all my news, for multiple reasons. Partly because I don't know what's coming tonight, or next week, and I'd like to take back Sundays with something good. And, of course, today is a good day for this, in general.

Because my news is that Eli and I are having a baby. We just found out this week and I'm not that far along (we're due in December!), so I probably should have waited to tell you, but I want to remember today as the day I got to share something special with my new second family.

Anyway, that's all I have for you! I thought about waiting until most of us were together tonight, but I know not everyone will be there. There were other reasons for choosing to do it this way, too, but I think those reasons are mostly obvious to all of us.

I'll see most of you tonight, and I'm glad it's with the knowledge that, no matter what happens, good things are coming. Good things are going to come for all of us. ❤️

May. 9th, 2019



WHO: Tessa Darling & Theo Wolfe
WHEN: Saturday, April 13, 2019; Evening
WHERE: Auberge du Vieux-Port; Viuex-Montreal, QC
SUMMARY: Tessa & Theo have a mini-vacation and take the next step in their relationship.
WARNINGS: Mentions of spousal loss.

I like to think there’s room in this relationship for all of it, just as I think that it’s okay to have something that belongs just to us, too. )

May. 6th, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 1st, 2019



I somehow managed to get ahead on all of my homework and found some downtime between class and work, so I made another doggy outfit, this time for Pauline who was kind enough to snap a pic of this super cute model wearing it. I'm pretty sure this will be the highlight of my week, so I'm hoping it brightens yours, too. Furry friends tend to be good at that.

THEO, cut for got spoilers )

Are you busy on Saturday?

I think we should do the Etsy thing. Like officially. Would you want to?


Apr. 20th, 2019



instagram post! )

Apr. 19th, 2019



I started to have the vague worry that whatever is happening to all of us with the other lives we're dreaming and experiencing might somehow latch itself onto Zoe. I asked her about it this morning in the best way I thought I could without really alarming her and she didn't seem to know what I was talking about. She's a smart kid, so I think that if it was happening, she would have connected the dots there. But, I told her that if she does have tough or strange dreams that she should come to me or another grown up she trusts, which I figured could be any of you.

Basically, if you recognize her mentioning anything odd or peculiar when you might be spending time with her or babysitting, I know that I probably don't have to actually ask you to tell me? But I wanted to let you know that it's on my radar and I'd appreciate the other eyes and ears.

Apr. 18th, 2019



Had my first dream memories last night.

For real this time. Not like that time I just had a dream I was in Space Jam.

His name is Henry Mills. He's a little boy descended from famous fairy tale characters.

Apr. 14th, 2019



Well, I promised I'd keep you up to date with the important things in Jon's life and, as of just now, I've officially caught up with where last season left off. Same as before, the memories came with the episodes. There's [...] a lot to fill you in on, if you still want to know.

I should have taken a page out of your book and gone to bloody Canada instead of staying home and watching the rest of this fucking show all weekend.

Apr. 2nd, 2019



WHO: Theo Wolfe
WHEN: Afternoon of April 2
WHERE: Around Dunhaven, ending at the cemetery
SUMMARY: Theo takes a tour of his relationship with his late wife, then stops at her grave to tell her about where his life is taking him.
WARNINGS: Loss of a spouse.
PROMPT: Cemetery

'Hey there, trouble.' )

Apr. 1st, 2019



That moment when you stop in for tacos and end up feeling your undiscovered musical talents, instead. Happy Monday, everyone! I've thankfully been able to avoid all the practical jokers so far today.

Mar. 31st, 2019



I thought you might like to know that I am home now and no longer in a communication-free zone.

Is it terrible that I'm already planning the next vacation?

Can we all have dinner together sometime this week?

Mar. 27th, 2019



For those of you who've taken a [...] unique interest in Game of Thrones, I'm going to be offering my living room up on Sunday nights beginning April 14 to those of you who want to be surrounded by like-minded people for support. I say this publicly for two reasons: 1) in case there is anyone out there that I haven't already met who shares this unique interest with me, and 2) so everyone else will stop including me in Final Season Brackets on group chats on Facebook (or anywhere else, for that matter).

Feel free to message me privately if you'd rather not RSVP or discuss publicly.

Mar. 25th, 2019



Hey, Danielle. I was wondering if you would mind talking to me about something, maybe give me some advice? I'll preface it by adding that this is largely about Theresa, so I would understand if that would make you uncomfortable and you'd rather not.
So, I'm in love with Tessa.



-- I think I'm being followed.
-- Or, at the very least, someone's watching me.