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Posts Tagged: 'mcu:+bucky+barnes'

Jun. 6th, 2024



Network Post- T'Challa

I have a trivia question.

What is about to lose his bet when it comes to speed-climbing skyscrapers?

Jun. 2nd, 2024




[ ooc; pretend this is backdated to like a week ago ]

I am disappearing for a week soon. No one be alarmed. 😈

After school is out, I am going to leave the country. Jason and I are going to go immersive-experience for language reasons. I promise, nothing dangerous. Julie, you know where the "emergency" card is and that it's not only for emergencies. And if Natasha isn't around, you know the backup rules.

Feel free to use it to celebrate. We're leaving after any graduation parties.

[ filtered; THE BAND GUARDIANS ]
I am going to be in China for a week. June 5 and we will be back on the 12th. Natasha is here, of course, but can everyone keep an eye on Julie for me? It makes me feel better.

Jason, final itinerary just sent to your phone.

Dick/Q, I am stealing your person for a week. We are leaving on the 5th and will be back on the 12th. Stay out of trouble. :)



Network: Loki

The Me who was yesterday decided windsurfing was a very fine idea, indeed.

The Me who is today is contending with a broken ankle, and the pervading question of what in the Nine Realms possessed me?

May. 27th, 2024



Network: Bucky Barnes

Happy Memorial Day for those looking back. This is always one of those tough ones for me.

I knew a lot of good men who died in the war. Too many. I try to remember them on days like these.


Up for visiting a graveyard or two today? Not trying to be bleak, but it's been a couple of years since I've really had the chance and I'm feeling sentimental.




For the record, this is not how you convince a guy he hasn't completely lost his mind. Was the fairytale thing normal for these parts?

I am Captain James Holden. My ship and crew aren't anywhere to be found and I'm told it's 2025 which means I'm a long way and time from home. So going with the assumption that I haven't finally cracked, does anyone have any better information than what the government is handing out?



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

I'm glad we made it back to ourselves before Tony's birthday. I expect you all for dinner on the roof on the 29th to celebrate Tony.

May. 18th, 2024



Network: Bucky Barnes

Guess who's chaperoning prom his year?

Just a reminder, please try not to get into two much trouble. I really hate writing up teacher paperwork and I don't need to explain to the principal why there are holes in the wall or anything.

May. 15th, 2024



Network- T'Challa

Good Morning and Bast' blessings to all of you.

Some I may have battled with. Apologies if our last time seeing one another wasn't as pleasant as it should be. Some are new to me and my eyes but will be greeted as you should. This entire encampment and cityscape is certainly that. But I am not unfamiliar with the idea of hope.

Now. If someone can enlighten me as to just where "this" is, then things should go along swimmingly.

May. 12th, 2024



Network Post : Enid Sinclair

I sort of miss my ghost. It was super sweet. Hey roomie, did you see how it did the dishes?

Natasha, I left it the clear quartz. I think it liked it!

[Filtered to Adaine]

Hello, fellow blonde cutie!

You're going to prom, right? Have you been shopping yet?

[Filtered to Reggie]

Reginald! Do I need to put on my stern face? It's very scary.

May. 10th, 2024



natasha romanoff - netpost

I know weird things are happening, but the show must go on, and my kids at school have worked hard on their Spring musical.

So, every resident of the Station has a ticket waiting for them at the high school for one of the three performances of Into the Woods this weekend--tonight, tomorrow night, or Sunday Matinee--or closing weekend in two weeks (same schedule). You don't have to let me know when you're coming. Just give your name at the door. You're on the list.

They have next weekend off for prom, which I am chaperoning (I hear you laughing from here, Carol).

[Filter to Molly]
Your seats are reserved right up front. 😉



Network: Steve Rogers

So I woke up this morning to find my hands covered with pencil smudges and all kinds of paints, not to mention an entire sketchbook full of weird drawings I don't remember doing.

Guess I couldn't get out of this funny business unscathed.

[Station Residents 18+]

Brace yourself. Something is coming.

Apologies in advance, that's all I've got, unless one of you can interpret nonsense art.

May. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]

Fuuuuuuuck fuck fuck


I know what I saw didn't happen

Or well

It did happen but not here

I just---

If all my parents could like... Check in, that would be cool. Thanks.

May. 1st, 2024



Network Post: Eliot Spencer

Hey there, I'm new,
this came out of the blue.

Eliot is my name
and it's a real shame

we're meeting this way
when each word that I say

comes out in rhyme.
Might become a mime.

Apr. 17th, 2024



natasha romanoff - netpost

One of the most stressful things on TV is watching a baker's buttercream or mousse split, and there's no saving it. This is supposed to be downtime, and relaxing, but I'm tense watching a baking show.

Before you say anything, Yelena, I know I'm boring. It's fine. I'm embracing it. 😉🖤

At least I don't watch things like this and think I could do it. I'll leave the baking to the professionals.

[Private to James Rogers and Rapunzel]

Can I take you to dinner? Anywhere you'd like to go.

There's nothing wrong. I'd just like to spend time with you both.

[Private to Bucky Barnes]

Do you want to go to the drive-in this weekend?



Network Post : Enid Sinclair

Rooftop yoga, this Thursday at 7am!

Bobby totally gets the credit for the idea, but I found this lady who does house visits. Anyone is welcome!

Apr. 14th, 2024



[No Subject]

Quick question...

If a poptarts is a ravioli and a hot dog is a taco.... does that make corn dogs a type of beef Wellington?


Glad you didn't die last month. For the record.

Apr. 10th, 2024



network: bobby drake

Wow, and here I was thinking, "a whole ass welcome wagon? In MY afterlife? Damn I really did do something right!" And then I realized that there's no way in hell (hell included) that the afterlife is San Francisco.

I did some preliminary research on the specs of this universe. Interesting timeline! Loving the fact that the general populace doesn't think mutants are terrorists. But I need the hot goss. Who is this universe's costumed power couple? Where are The Real Housewives of Avengers Tower??? Who are we rooting for on this season of The Superpowered Bachelor?!!

Hi. Bobby Drake here. Work name Iceman. I'm funny, charming, hot (but make it ice), and very happy to not be dead.

Apr. 8th, 2024




How much trouble can high schoolers get into on spring break, do you think?

[ filtered; Matt Murdock, Phil Coulson, Alexis Rose ]
Yours kids are all fine. They even have a full fledged adult with them. I'm about 15 minutes away by foot if something comes up. Does anyone want souvenirs?

[ filtered; Matt Murdock ]
Use your time wisely, Matthew.

Apr. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

Anyone got any fun plans for the weekend? Knocking on wood that nothing weird happens.

Any plans to celebrate first contact day?

Mar. 29th, 2024



Network: Steve Rogers

[Voice Message, unfiltered (sorry, boys)]

[feedback whine] It's Steve. If you... don't know... it's Ma... [long burst of static] ...warehouse... [another long moment of static] ...find him... node 361-a. [sound of Steve breathing quietly] ...knows I'm here... Vision, you have to stop him [garbled static, a sudden burst of sound, not unlike something heavy colliding with concrete, a few more seconds of static, then silence]

Audio Transcript

It's Steve. If you don't know, it's May. Warehouse. Find him. Node 361. A. Knows I'm here. Vision. You have to stop him.

What Steve Actually Said )

[OOC: Steve won't be replying, but feel free to use this space to plot/plan!]