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May. 31st, 2016


Who: Hypnos, Pasithea
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Unnamed street near Central Park
What: Thea is daydreaming as usual

Daydream believer )

Feb. 27th, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding & Hecate
What: Oh god, not another one
When: Not too long after this
Where: Hecate's shop

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Dec. 28th, 2013


Who: Hypnos & Iris
What: We're going to talk like fucking grown-ups
When: Backdated to December 5th
Where: Hypnos' place

Be grateful I talked myself out of kicking you in the balls. )
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Nov. 8th, 2013


Who: Hypnos & Thanatos
What: Help plz
When: Thursday night
Where: Toasty's place

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Nov. 5th, 2013


Who: Hypnos & Iris
What: Old friends reuniting
When: Monday night
Where: Some bar, then Iris' place
Notes: I feel like writing adorable, fluffy Iris/Hypnos being the awesomest of friends, apparently.

Sleep well, Poppy )
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Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Heroin, Vicodin, and open to all the mortals/immortals she invited and their +1's
What: This is Halloween...Drug style
When: Halloween night
Where: Some ritzy hotel on the Upper East Side
Warnings: ALL the warnings
Notes: Since it's already Halloween in Tomorrowland other parts of the world, I'm going to post this, and also OMGYAY DRUG PARTY. Sub-threads welcomed and encouraged, tag yourselves in! :D

Lined up, shot down, firing back straight Crown )

Aug. 17th, 2013


Who: Hypnos & Charlotte Kemp
What: Run-ins and first meetings
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Outside Hecate's shop

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Dec. 10th, 2011


Who: Hecate, Rhode & Helios (Tiny cameo by Hypnos)
What: Catching up over dinner
When: Saturday evening
Where: Hecate's place

Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Hera, Zeus. And the Rest of the Greeks who got invited
What: Greek Party
When: Saturday evening, June 25, 2011
Where: Zeus' Penthouse
Warning: TBD (But it's a lot of Greeks in one area)
Note: FOR EVERYONE. It was our big event, wanted to bring it along.

It's an Olympian kind of party! )

Sep. 24th, 2011


Who: Morpheus, Hypnos & Eros
What: Eternal waking nightmares, or: Please don't mess with Death's friends
When: Saturday evening
Where: Eros' place
Warnings: Creepy Di Nocti being creepy? IDK

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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Hypnos, Nyx, Pasithea
When: Right after Hypnos wakes up
Where: Hypnos and Thea's place
Warnings: Angry Nyx
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Who: Hypnos & Morpheus
What: ACK D:
When: Monday afternoon-ish
Where: Hypnos' dreams

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Who: Hypnos & Thanatos
What: The boys are having some twin time
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Hypnos' place

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Who: Hypnos & Thanatos
What: Toast is coming over before his brother starts bouncing off walls
When: Saturday afternoonish
Where: Hypnos' place
Warnings: Adorableness and a hyper Hypnos?

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Who: Hypnos & Thanatos
What: 'D'awww, you're adorable' (He's Death's twin, he's allowed to say that. XD)
When: Wednesday evening-ish
Where: Hypnos' place

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Who: Morpheus, Hypnos & Eros
What: Eternal waking nightmares, or: Please don't mess with Death's friends
When: Saturday evening
Where: Eros' place
Warnings: Creepy Di Nocti being creepy? IDK

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Who: Lyra & Hypnos
What: Hi, I'm Sleep!
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Park

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Who: Hypnos & Thanatos
What: Things didn't go so well for Toast
When: Tuesday night
Where: Hypnos' place
There is no world outside the bubble )


Who: Hecate & Hypnos
What: Clothes shopping!
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Chthonia, then various shops

Hypnos really wasn't excited about this party )
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Who: Morpheus and Hypnos
What: Drinking, movies, complaining about Mom
When: Saturday night
Where: Morpheus' place

Scoot over, you )

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