WHO: Melpomene, Will Stutely WHEN: Around noon on Saturday WHERE: A cafe in Brooklyn that makes REAL coffee WHAT: A chance meeting (it's fate! It's fate! It's the bloody Fates!) WARNINGS: TBD
WHO: Melpomene and Alan WHEN: Saturday 17th WHERE: Alan's place WHAT: Me and Leah literally have no idea what's going to happen here WARNINGS: TBA, probably nothing more than references to all the things she's been through
WHO: Melpomene and Apollo WHEN: Friday, 16th July WHERE: Melpomene’s place WHAT: A ritual of purification WARNINGS: Blood, self harm, violence, and some truly horrific behaviour
WHO: Hecate, Much, Ariadne, Melpomene WHEN: Tuesday afternoon/night WHERE: The Enodia, outside Ariadne's work, Melpomene's place WHAT: Running some errands WARNINGS: No biggies (okay, one reference to someone being shot)
WHO: Melpomene and Apollo WHEN: Last Thursday (22nd April) WHERE: Melpomene’s WHAT: Apollo's not a fan of coming second WARNINGS: Just memories of things that have already happened
WHO: Melpomene, Kratos WHEN: Around midnight Monday (20th) - the night she and Ares and Telos arrive home, and after Marcie leaves WHERE: Melpomene’s WHAT: The personification of strength VS the crap in Melpomene's head WARNINGS: TBD
WHO: Melpomene, open to the Muses or can stand alone since she's pretty non-responsive WHEN: Thursday night WHERE: All tied up on Urania's couch WHAT/WARNINGS: Melpomene would like to die
WHO: Melpomene, open to the Muses but can stand alone WHEN: Monday through to now WHERE: Urania's WHAT: Melpomene feels terrible WARNINGS: Grief, self destructive thoughts
WHO: Tragos, Kaden, Melpomene, Ares, Marcie, Apollo WHEN: Monday, late morning WHERE: Melpomene’s WHAT: One last thing before we go WARNINGS: Violence.