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Dec. 8th, 2015


Who: Briareos, Thetis and Raiden
What: Family issues
When: December 8th
Where: Briareos' Tattoo parlor

The ties that bind... )

May. 11th, 2015


WHO: Patroclus and Thetis
WHAT: Mother's Day
WHEN: ...Mother's Day
WHERE: Thetis' place


Mar. 30th, 2015


Who: Thetis, Peleus, Achilles
What: It was bound to happen eventually
When: Sunday night
Where: Restaurant
Warnings: Oh lord. I guess we'll see.

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Dec. 29th, 2014


Who: Thetis & Peleus
What: A Christmas getaway
When: Backdated to Christmas Day
Where: Anantara Phuket Villa, Phuket Province, Thailand
Warnings: IDK

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Jul. 2nd, 2014


Who: Thetis & Peleus
What: Important talks
When: Backdated to June 12th
Where: Peleus' place
Warnings: Probably language, TBD

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May. 9th, 2014


Who: Amphitrite, Thetis, Poseidon
What: There's always something that sets the dominoes to falling
When: Thursday evening
Where: Upscale bar
Warnings: These three are their own warnings

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Apr. 7th, 2014


WHO: Peleus and Thetis/Poseidon
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: Pool room/arcade
WHAT: This date thing is becoming a little more frequent....until someone kind of sees it and gets wildly jealous

All my heart is bursting again, don't leave this mark... )

Mar. 31st, 2014


WHO: Peleus and Thetis
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: Beach in NY
WHAT: Peleus and Thetis have had a date and can actually get along!

Things are falling into perspective... )
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Feb. 13th, 2014


Who: Thetis & Peleus
What: Out to dinner, actually acting like a couple (With some help from Eros...)
When: Friday night
Where: Some fancy restaurant

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Jan. 14th, 2014


Who: Thetis, Achilles, & Peleus
What: Mother/son dinner interruptus
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Il Buco
Warnings: With these three? Expect a scene. And swearing. And possibly throwing of table ware.

And the night had been going so well... )

Nov. 26th, 2013


Who: Thetis & Hephaestus (could be open to Aglaia if you want, Lara!)
What: Drinks and quite a bit of crying
When: Monday night
Where: Hephaestus' home
Warnings: Not a lot

Am I not allowed to find my own happiness? )

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Heroin, Vicodin, and open to all the mortals/immortals she invited and their +1's
What: This is Halloween...Drug style
When: Halloween night
Where: Some ritzy hotel on the Upper East Side
Warnings: ALL the warnings
Notes: Since it's already Halloween in Tomorrowland other parts of the world, I'm going to post this, and also OMGYAY DRUG PARTY. Sub-threads welcomed and encouraged, tag yourselves in! :D

Lined up, shot down, firing back straight Crown )

Sep. 19th, 2013


Who: Thetis, Achilles, The Fates
What: My husband is the biggest asshole in this pantheon
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The Fates' shop

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Aug. 26th, 2013


Who: Thetis & Patroclus
What: Ugh, my husband sucks, but hey, booze is awesome
When: Backdated to Friday night
Where: Thetis' house
Warnings: Thetis is drunky and pissy, TBD

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Aug. 19th, 2013


Who: Thetis & Peleus
What: I hate you, why are you here?
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Market
Warnings: Thetis will probably swear and shout a lot

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Jul. 24th, 2013


Who: Thetis and Peleus
What: It's a reunion! Sort of.
When: Mid-June
Where: A bar in Toledo, OH
Warnings: TBD

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Aug. 30th, 2012


Who: Amphitrite [Open to Benth, Triton, Thetis and Poseidon]
What: Amphitrite is finally out of the hospital and being a grump about being on bed rest.
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Her's and Poseidon's place
Warnings: Possible language, otherwise an annoyed sea goddess

bed rest blows )

Jul. 25th, 2012


Who: Raiden Nakashima, Thetis and Triton
What: Triton meets his new little sister, Thetis comes along. Coffee date!
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Coffee shop
Warnings: None

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Who: Thetis and Raiden Nakashima
What: First day of classes at Columbia! Teacher's assistant meets teacher!
When: Tuesday
Where: Columbia University
Warnings: None! Though no child of Poseidon should be this bubbly!

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Who: Poseidon, Amphitrite, Thetis and Triton
Where: New York Harbor
When: Late Monday night/early Tuesday morning
What: Poseidon has been playing hooky down in Hades for too long, now he rises to the surface and he has his own little fan club coming to beat his ass for it. The water gods reunite!
Warnings: A nude Poseidon for a brief time? Believe it or not he's not got a lot to say just yet.
Notes: You guys can hit in whatever order you wish!
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