WHO: Michaela Jones and Arthur A' Bland. Eventually a Friar Tuck! WHEN: Saturday WHERE: Michaela's and then the hospital WHAT: Some chats and some visits! WARNINGS: TBA ( ... )
WHO Will Stutely WHEN Saturday 8th to Saturday 15th January WHERE Brooklyn WHAT Will and his usual coping mechanisms WARNINGS Some descriptions of wartime horrors
WHO: Friar Tuck and Arthur a Bland WHEN: Saturday, late afternoon WHERE: Parsonage WHAT: Sound Traps and maybe some sparring with the longbow or whatever it is called WARNINGS: I doubt it? ( ... )
WHO: Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Will Stutely, Arthur a Bland WHEN: Backdated to the 25th, right after the sheriff was at the parsonage WHERE: Sly Fox WHAT: Breaking the news WARNINGS: TBA ( ... )
WHO: Michaela Jones, Arthur a Bland, Friar Tuck, open to Will Scarlet WHEN: Wednesday evening WHERE: The parsonage WHAT: It's YOU WARNINGS: TBA ( ... )
WHO: Michaela Jones and Arthur a Bland WHEN: Monday night WHERE: A bar and then ?? WHAT: Meeting and smut? WARNINGS: Smut unless we skip over it? ( ... )
WHO Marian & Art WHEN Monday WHERE The Fox WHAT Hanging out while the rest of them do Merry Men Business WARNINGS mentions of the sheriff situation, tba
WHO Arthur a Bland and Robin Hood, open to Merry Men WHEN Backdated to Tuesday 23 March, afternoon WHERE The Sly Fox WHAT He’s gonna need a little adjusting WARNINGS TBA
WHO Will Stutely, Will Scarlet, Much the Miller’s Son; eventually Arthur a Bland WHEN Tuesday 16 March WHERE A forest in northwest Wyoming WHAT We’re going on an Arthur hunt WARNINGS TBA