WHO: Emma, Aidan, and then Charlotte WHAT: A heart-felt talk and then wedding planning WHEN: Saturday afternoon WHERE: The loft WARNINGS: Likely none other than maybe language. Discussions of Huntington's Disease
WHO: Emma Kemp and William and Lil Kemp [NPCs], then open to any and all Kemps WHAT: Bad and badder WHEN: Saturday WHERE: Their home and then hospital WARNINGS: Mentions of illness
Who: Jamie Kemp, Theseus Stavros, Thomas Kemp, Maddy Kemp, Emma Kemp, and open to any of the other Kemps who would be there What: Family dinner, and meeting the boyfriend! When: Thursday night Where: Emma & William's house
WHO: Thomas Kemp, Emma Kemp, open only to Kemp family (he's in the ICU so a friend and Lena post can come later!) WHAT: Post-surgery WHEN: Friday evening WHERE: Hospital ICU WARNINGS: Health stuff!, TBA
WHO: Emma and Thomas WHAT: Finding out how many different ways I can fail to describe pain? WHEN: Friday, early morning WHERE: His hospital room WARNINGS: Language
WHO: Emma Kemp, open to absolutely anyone who would come visit unconscious Thomas WHAT: Just a little breakdown... WHEN: Tuesday afternoon WHERE: Thomas' hospital room WARNINGS: Language, sickness
WHO: Thomas, Jamie and then eventually Emma and Lena after a fashion WHAT: Thomas has a bit of an incident WHEN: Monday evening WHERE: A plane, then a hospital, then maybe even the Kemps apt, I dunno. WARNINGS: Medical shiz