WHO: Asterion, Erato and Hybris - then Apollo WHEN: Backdated to April 20th WHERE: The Torture Asylum WHAT: RESCUE WARNINGS: TBA but aftermath of torture and Asterion killing Hybris
WHO: Tuck, Asterion and then Will Scarlet WHEN: Saturday WHERE: Around and then parsonage WHAT: Chats and more chats and then baby floof WARNINGS: TBA? ( ... )
WHO: Erato and Asterion WHEN: December 21st, afternoon WHERE: Macy’s, NY WHAT: Christmas shopping with a Minotaur! Delightful! WARNINGS: Festooned with festive delights
WHO: Antigone, Ares, Asterion, Bia WHEN: Thursday night, directly following her conversation with Luna WHERE: Outside Diogenes WHAT: It's confrontation time WARNINGS: TBA, we'll just update as we go. Rape mentions. And a FIGHT.
WHO: Antigone, Asterion WHEN: Wednesday afternoon WHERE: A department store WHAT: Don't ask the universe to be chill, Tiggers, it doesn't listen. WARNINGS: Enclosed spaces