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Jul. 7th, 2020


WHO Ate & Ares
WHEN Saturday (4th), around 9pm
WHERE Some dive bar
WHAT Delightful and kind gods meeting up for drinks
WARNINGS there is literally no way there won't be violence and probably death Extreme violence, murder, rape threats, tba

Why'd I have to be such trouble to please? )
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Jun. 26th, 2020


WHO Everyone!
WHEN Saturday night
WHERE Peitho and Hermes' apartment
WHAT Peitho's Symposium
NOTES Posting early! For organisation it's probably easiest if each new thread says who's going to be in it and when in the night it is (ie: Luna and Peitho, early in the party; Luna and OPEN. 11pm). Makes it especially easy once things collapse.

Your suspicions are correct: rich people are weird as shit. )

Oct. 18th, 2016


WHO: Ate, Charon, and Makaria
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Charon's apartment
WARNINGS: just brief mentions of violent (consensual) sex

Did you know that you and I, we create the night? )

Apr. 16th, 2016


WHO: Ate & Charon
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Ate's apartment
WHAT: Ate's here to flirt, baby
WARNINGS: sexual references? torture talk? that'll probably cover it.

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Mar. 13th, 2016


WHO: Ate & Charon (and at least mentions of Melinoe)
WHEN: (whatever the date was on that last Persephone post shhh)
WHERE: A temporary apartment, Bronx
WHAT: Wait, can I play with the ferryman??
WARNINGS: possibly violence, mentions of torture?

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Mar. 1st, 2016


WHO: Melinoe and Ate
WHEN: Monday Afternoon, 2pm

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Apr. 19th, 2013


WHO: Ate & Deimos
WHEN: Tuesday night
WHERE: Ate's place to start with
WHAT: Restless Ruin and her nephew
WARNINGS: tba (sexual references, violence, etc)

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Dec. 15th, 2012


WHO: Ate & Moros
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: An unfortunate church in Manhattan
WHAT: DOOM WEDDING. Who let Doom and Ruin getting married??

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Dec. 7th, 2012


WHO: Ate & 4Chan
WHEN: Thursday night
WHERE: A upscale bar in Manhattan
WHAT: They're life ruiners. They ruin people's lives.
WARNINGS: *cries* I don't even know, you guys. tba.

This is, like, the worst idea in the whole world for everyone in a five mile radius... )
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Oct. 18th, 2012


WHO: Ate & George
WHEN: Monday? Tuesday? HELP, CHELSEA.
WHERE: Ate's apartment
WHAT: Cheer up and look how pretty I am!

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Oct. 9th, 2012


WHO: Ate & Andras
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: Ate's apartment
WHAT: Puppy chow

Let me introduce you.. )
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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Hera, Zeus. And the Rest of the Greeks who got invited
What: Greek Party
When: Saturday evening, June 25, 2011
Where: Zeus' Penthouse
Warning: TBD (But it's a lot of Greeks in one area)
Note: FOR EVERYONE. It was our big event, wanted to bring it along.

It's an Olympian kind of party! )

Oct. 14th, 2010


WHO: Ate & George
WHEN: Evening, Thursday 14th
WHERE: A restaurant in Manhattan
WHAT: George has only just realised that Ate is a life-ruiner. She ruins people's lives.
WARNINGS: language? This will all depend on how this goes.
NOTES: Reposting this from over at FG for me and Chelsea to continue here. Now that I'm not all '!!!' about things I'll actually reply to it in a timely fashion.

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Dec. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Ate & Moros
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Ate's apartment
WHAT: The worst people being the worst
WARNINGS: Surprisingly, probably not too much. Some talk of torture and flirting. TBA.

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Jul. 25th, 2012


WHO: Ate & Aglaia
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Aglaia's work
WARNINGS: kidnapping, threats, violence, general Ate badness, tba

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Apr. 25th, 2011


Who: Poseidon and Ate
When: Monday afternoon late when Poseidon's plane lands and he's back home from Washington
Where: Airport then wherever it leads to...
Warnings/rating: TBA but probably sexy times...this is Poseidon here

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Jan. 13th, 2011


Who:Clio and Open to any immortal
What:We're all mad here
When:Thursday evening
Where:Random street corner
Warnings:Angsty Muse, slightly half mad Muse, TBD

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Jan. 1st, 2011


WHO: Ate & George
WHEN: Evening, New Year's day
WHERE: George and Ate's apartment building
WHAT: Random cuteness, boy pouting, and 'oh hey, you're a midget now' times.

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Jul. 24th, 2012


WHO: Ate & the Jersey Devil
WHEN: Saturday night
WHAT: The standard 'random meeting on a New York street' scene
WARNINGS: talk of creepy sex, tba
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WHO: Ate & Skoll
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: The wolf foresty place
WHAT: Two crazies in the woods
WARNINGS: Violence, a little gore, language, tba
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