WHO: Hecate and Cathal WHEN: Around 6, Thursday night WHERE: Sleepy Hollow, then Brooklyn WHAT: Help a helpless witch? WARNINGS: Blatant plagiarism from Ness
WHO: Much, some godmodded Will Scarlet, Hecate WHEN: Saturday 8th of January WHERE: Brooklyn WHAT: Much doesn't know what to do WARNINGS: Twitchy miserable Much
WHO: Kaden and Hecate WHEN: Late December, while Marcie's in Burlington WHERE: The Enodia WHAT: The witching hour is any hour in which you are a witch WARNINGS: None
WHO Marcie, Kaden, later Hecate, Hera WHEN December 1-2 WHERE the Enodia WHAT Recap of Thanksgiving, and then Marcie’s little problem deals with itself. WARNINGS miscarriage
WHO: Hecate, Much, Ariadne, Melpomene WHEN: Tuesday afternoon/night WHERE: The Enodia, outside Ariadne's work, Melpomene's place WHAT: Running some errands WARNINGS: No biggies (okay, one reference to someone being shot)
WHO: Kaden, Hecate, Cin, Qebhet WHEN: Friday 25th WHERE: The Enodia and the Hole WHAT: Against all advice and reason, Kaden goes home WARNINGS: TBA, bit of domestic violence
WHO: Hecate, Kaden, Marcie, Merlin, Morgan, Freyja WHEN: The night of Monday 31st WHERE: The Enodia, rooftop apartment WHAT: A restoration WARNINGS: Dark forces beyond mortal ken (nah, warnings unlikely)
WHO Will Stutely and Hecate (and a gatecrasher) WHEN Friday May 14, close to midnight WHERE Columbia University, Manhattan WHAT Searching for traces WARNINGS TBA
WHO Marcella and Hecate and puppy!Kaden WHEN Saturday evening WHERE the Enodia penthouse WHAT Hecate has a lot to catch Marcie up on WARNINGS talk of violence