WHO: Glutt and Rowen w/ Envy WHEN: April 30 [Backdated] WHERE: Glutt's place WHAT: Dark realizations and denials WARNING: Lots of grossness Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: Greed and Gluttony w/ Zoe, Rowen & Envy WHEN: April 12 [Backdated] WHERE: Park, Zoe's apartment, Gluttony's place WHAT: Gimme my treat!! WARNING: Slimy Sins Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: Envy [Narrative + Open to Sloth] WHEN: Monday WHERE: Envy's asylum WHAT: Showing off his anger to Sloth by sending her a present. WARNING: visuals..s
Who: Envy and Temperance [Narrative] What: Envy has been creative with his Virtue guest... When: Saturday night, January 24th Where: Old asylum Envy calls home Warnings: Just Envy being creepy...
Who: Envy and Satan What: Envy's having a little too much fun torturing the Virtue he's captured and has under his wing, he takes a break and runs into Mommy dearest.... When: Friday Where: Grocery Store Warnings: Envy is always worse for wear
WHO: Envy, Pride and Greed WHEN: Monday night LATE/Tuesday morning WHERE: The docs WHAT: Sins up in each other's business f-ing things up! Plus Greed has a new pretty face. WARNING: Envy and his dead people habit...
WHO: Envy, Emma Franklin and Jonah WHEN: Wednesday WHERE: Envy's creepy little hobbit hole WHAT: Envy has been keeping Emma prisoner and Jonah finally wises up from his kidnapper letters to find her. WARNING: Creepy ass Envy Status: Incomplete
WHO: Greed, Jonah, Envy & Zoe WHEN: Friday WHERE: Zoe and Jonah's apartment, Toy store WHAT: Envy infects Zoe and the boys band together to help her WARNING: Some vile verbiage
WHO: Envy and Emma Franklin WHAT: Stalkers with bad intentions kidnappings! WHEN: Friday late afternoon WHERE: Streets of NY/ Envy's hideaway WARNINGS: Violence, struggling, a creeper doing his thing...
WHO: Envy and Glam WHAT: Hit by the Eros love juice WHEN: Valentine's Day WHERE: Streets of NY/Record shop WARNINGS: This is Envy....the possibilities are endless. It'll be a wonder Glam doesn't end up in a ditch.
WHO: Envy WHAT: Just spreading a little Christmas Cheer....Envy's way WHEN: Christmas morning 2 a.m. WHERE: Streets of NY/ Envy's hideaway WARNINGS: Violence