Who: William Shakespeare an Anastasia When: Friday Afternoon What: Meetings and greetings and finding out truths Where: Outdoor screening of 'Taming of the Shrew' with Elizabeth Taylor, in the Park
Who: Alice Monroe, Briareos, Digger When: Thursday afternoon Where: Briareos' tattoo parlor What: New tattoo, weird shit is happening, Alice learns the truth
WHO: Greed and Zoe w/ Digger WHEN: May 16 [Backdated] WHERE: Greed and Digger's offices WHAT: Zoe just realizes she quit her job WARNING: None Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: Digger, Alice and Jared WHEN: Tuesday [Backdated a day] WHERE: George Washington Bridge WHAT: Alice's little boyfriend is having a meltdown and about to do something really stupid. WARNING: TBD
WHO: Zoe & Greed w/ Theseus, Digger, and NPC Morgan WHEN: September 24 [Backdated] WHERE: Zoe and Morgan's apartment, Theseus' work, Club WHAT: Daddy accidentally spies on daughter boyfriend talk, then the club! WARNING: Lots of drunk drinking Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: Zoe & Greed w/ Digger WHEN: September 17 [Backdated] WHERE: Zoe and Morgan's apartment WHAT: How dare you almost die! WARNING: None Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: October, Digger and Wrath WHAT: Being cuties WHEN: Saturday WHERE: October's place, which I should find a photo of. WARNINGS: TBA but likely just language
WHO: Zoe & Greed w/Digger WHEN: July 4 [Backdated] WHERE: Hotel WHAT: The one where everyone accidentally works in amateur porn WARNING: None Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: Zoe & Greed w/Digger WHEN: July 3 afternoon [Backdated] WHERE: Disneyworld WHAT: Prince Not So Charming WARNING: None Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: Zoe & Greed w/Digger WHEN: June 24 [Backdated] WHERE: Digger's apartment WHAT: Digger finds out the truth from Greed's lips WARNING: None Note: The log reads backwards
WHO: Zoe & Greed w/ Digger WHEN: June 10 [Backdated] WHERE: Greed's apartment, pizza place WHAT: Sign this to be my friend WARNING: None Note: The log reads backwards