WHO: Will Scarlet and Friar Tuck, with maybe saint Francis WHEN: Saturday, early morning and I'll link this when I have a computer on Thursday WHERE: parsonage WHAT: aftermath of gluttony WARNINGS: Drugs, descriptions of non-con sex ( ... )
WHO: Gluttony and Friar Tuck WHEN: Let's forward date to Friday? WHERE: Diogenes and then Gluttony's place WHAT: Uh, super badness WARNINGS: Drugs, non-con sex ( ... )
WHO: Wrath, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet WHEN: Thursday evening WHERE: Parsonage and then who the fuck knows. WHAT: Bein bros WARNINGS: I dunno. Language lmao ( ... )
WHO: Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet WHEN: Backdated to like June WHERE: Parsonage WHAT: Scarlet is experiencing something for the first time WARNINGS: Periods? ( ... )
WHO: Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet - emphasis on the Scarlet, Sheriff of Nottingham WHEN: I just do not know. Late May? Early June? WHERE: Diogenes WHAT: Making Plans! WARNINGS: TBA ( ... )
WHO: Friar Tuck, Elijah Voorhies, Will Scarlet WHEN: Backdated to April 30th, the day after this WHERE: The church WHAT: Explaining to Elijah WARNINGS: Likely nothing ( ... )
WHO: Robin Hood, Little John, Will Scarlet, Friar Tuck WHEN: The day after Will discovers she's a she WHERE: Sly Fox WHAT: Meeting the niece and chatting about the Sheriff Problem WARNINGS: TBA? ( ... )
WHO: Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, Addy Ceredig, Evelyn Ceredig [NPC] WHEN: Monday afternoon WHERE: Courthouse (and then anywhere else if they decide to go) WHAT: A marriage of aliases, AKA don't lock us out of each other's ICUs you dicks WARNINGS: NA? ( ... )
WHO: Will Scarlet and Friar Tuck WHEN: Saturday Jan 7th WHERE: The Parsonage WHAT: Will went out and got himself into bother, Tuck looks after him WARNINGS: H/C small emotional trauma and some blood
WHO: Friar Tuck and Will Scarlet WHEN: Wednesday evening WHERE: Parsonage WHAT: Cuteness but then a conversation about drugs, but you know...a good one! WARNINGS: ??? ( ... )
WHO: Aderyn Ceredig, Will Scarlet, Friar Tuck, and maybe Elijah Voorhies WHEN: Sunday evening WHERE: Parsonage WHAT: Addy being awkward as fuck, talking about Eli WARNINGS: NAh ( ... )
WHO: Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, very momentary Addy WHEN: Monday evening WHERE: Parsonage WHAT: A check in, and then some smuuuut WARNINGS: Smuuuuuut ( ... )
WHO: Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet WHEN: Sunday evening WHERE: Parsonage WHAT: Relationship conversations and then Drug conversations WARNINGS: Drug shit ( ... )
WHO: Daniel Collins, Sarah Collins [NPC] Michael, Will Scarlet, Robin Hood, Friar Tuck WHEN: Friday WHERE: A park and then hospital WHAT: A confession WARNINGS: Bigots ( ... )
WHO: Friar Tuck and then Robin Hood, Elijah Voorhies, Will Scarlet, Michael the Archangel, Michaela Jones, Daniel Collins WHEN: Sunday afternoon/evening WHERE: An abandoned building, the Parsonage, and the hospital WHAT: An injured Tuck WARNINGS: Injuries, hospital times ( ... )