WHO: Scott Brown, Avery Duffield, and later, Mothman WHEN: Their apartment WHERE: ...oh well okay we'll say Saturday here then WHAT: Bros bein bros totally cool nothing else goin on here WARNINGS: TBA ( ... )
WHO: Scott (Scooter) Brown, Avery Duffield, Mothman WHEN: Christmas Eve WHERE: A club and then ?? WHAT: Mothman likes LIGHTS WARNINGS: I dunno, maybe smut? ( ... )
WHO: Scott 'Scooter' Brown WHEN: Monday night WHERE: His place WHAT: A summary! WARNINGS: Brief mentions of self harm, and the effects of Sloth on a person ( ... )
WHO: Sloth and Scooter, and Michael the Archangel WHEN: after Sloth's failure to make Scott do anything fun WHERE: Scott's place WHAT: Michael comes a-calling WARNINGS: talk of gun violence, abuse, suicide
WHO: Sloth and Scooter, then Patience and Armaan WHEN: WHERE: Near Patience's place and then inside it WHAT: Sloth is trying to break in her plaything and breaks Armaan's heart WARNINGS: murder with a gun
WHO: Scooter Brown (Under Sloth's influence) Open to Sloth if you can think of something! WHEN: Just summarising up to now WHERE: Various WHAT: Various WARNINGS: Sloth ( ... )
WHO: Scott WhateverInnamedhimIthinkit'sBrown, Sloth WHEN: Wednesday evening WHERE: Scott's basement room WHAT: Sloth's influence, Scott's mother despairing of him, and a friend being like "...who tf is this?" WARNINGS: Drug use ( ... )
WHO: Sloth and the Scooter WHEN: Sunday 27th November WHERE: NY, somewhere suburban like Yonkers WHAT: Sloth reconnecting with old drug dealers WARNINGS: druuuuuugs