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Oct. 2nd, 2020


WHO Nina & Perseus
WHEN Friday afternoon
WHERE East Village
WHAT The conquest of a couch
WARNINGS tba, likely little

Will you still be there for me once I'm yours to obtain? )

May. 28th, 2020


WHO Nina & Perseus
WHEN Wednesday night
WHERE Perseus' place
WHAT A home-cooked meal
WARNINGS tba, mentions of cannibalism just cause it's Nina?

... )

May. 11th, 2020


WHO Nina Maynard
WHEN Sunday night
WHERE Nina's building
WHAT Leaving it too late to hunt
WARNINGS vomiting, talk of cannibalism

The harder the pain, honey, the sweeter the song )

May. 2nd, 2020


WHO Nina & Perseus
WHEN Friday night
WHERE The club and then a Mexican restaurant
WHAT It's a second date
WARNINGS mentions of eating people's hearts

Let the right one in, let the old dreams die, let the wrong ones go )

Apr. 25th, 2020


WHO: Nina & Perseus
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: The stripclub she works at that I named something but now forget
WHAT: Establishing WTF she's been up to Running into friends at the office.
WARNINGS: delicious delicious sexualisation of a native culture.

Texas seemed a long time ago now )

Feb. 12th, 2013


Who: Nina Maynard & Tezcatlipoca
What: Visiting daughter dearest at work
When: Monday night
Where: The club where Nina works
Warnings: Aztecs, language, TBD

Read more... )

Sep. 4th, 2012


WHO: Nina & Amidio
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Their apartment
WHAT: Let's take about daddy

Read more... )

Jul. 24th, 2012


WHO: Nina & Tezcatlipoca
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: The Temple
WHAT: Daddy!
WARNINGS: tba, but mentions of cannibalism at least.
Read more... )

Mar. 29th, 2011


WHO: Nina Maynard & Quetzalcoatl
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: a coffee shop
WHAT: Learning more about her heritage
WARNINGS: language

Nina had begun meeting with Quetzalcoatl twice a week so he could teach her more about his people... )

Mar. 20th, 2011


WHO: Nina Maynard
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Her apartment
WHAT: Pining for Amidio
WARNINGS: Near intolerable amounts of whining and late night train of thought writing.

... )

Mar. 11th, 2011


Who: Quetzalcoatl, Elena Torres, Amidio and Nina Maynard
Where: The Temple
When: Friday afternoon
What: Hey there, kids.

Read more... )

Sep. 20th, 2010


WHO: Nina and Amidio Maynard
WHEN: September 2010
WHERE: Austin, Texas
WHAT: A party and then siblings making awesome mistakes.
WARNINGS: language, consensual incest, terrible taste in music

We gonna light it up like it's dynamite )

Nov. 1st, 2010


WHO: Nina and Amidio
WHEN: November 2010
WHERE: Austin, Texas
WHAT: Over-protective siblings is a normal thing. Everyone does that. It's all fine. (Charlie and I may be obsessed. Watch us spam)
WARNINGS: violence, incesty talk at the very least.

Maybe you believe that she was made of gold )

Feb. 14th, 2011


WHO: Nina Maynard & Perseus
WHEN: Valentine's Day, afternoon
WHERE: PoleCats stripclub, The Bronx
WHAT: Hunger of all kinds.
WARNINGS: attempted sexual assault?

words like violence break the silence )

Dec. 28th, 2010


WHO: Nina & Amidio Maynard
WHEN: December 28th 2010
WHERE: Austin, Texas
WHAT: This is where it all goes wrong.
WARNINGS: References to consensual incest, sexual references, murder, gore, cannibalism.

Our parents left us blood and words )

Feb. 21st, 2011


WHO: Nina & Amidio Maynard
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Their Bronx apartment
WHAT: Hungry hungry hippos Aztecs.
WARNINGS: references to cannibalism at the very least

Read more... )

Feb. 28th, 2011


Who: Amidio and Nina Maynard. Surprise appearance by Huitzilopochtli
What: The twins are tired of pretending and want hearts.
Where: Some alleyway then probably the temple (of doom)
When: Monday morning
Warnings: Mentions of consensual incest, mentions of heart-nomming, mentions of cannibalism, violence, Aztecs, half Aztecs, probably language, TBD

Read more... )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Who: Amidio and Nina Maynard
What: Co-dependent Aztec-lings being co-dependent
When: Wednesday night
Where: Nina and Dio's place
Warning: Mentions of incest, mentions of violence, mentions of cannibalism, language, crazy twins, tbd

Read more... )

May. 18th, 2011


Who: Lucifer and Nina Maynard
When: Wednesday
Where: Coffeeshop
Warnings/Ratings: Lucifer, some minor stalking, probably mentions of heart-eating and incest, TBD

Read more... )

Apr. 11th, 2011


WHO: Nina, Amidio, and Huitzilopochtli
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Huitzi's place (?)
WHAT: Beginning the training of the chaos twins.
WARNINGS: language, violence, mentions of cannibalism? tba

But where Amidio went, Nina would follow. )

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