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Aug. 25th, 2016


WHO: Greta
WHEN: June - August
WHERE: Lebanon, Kansas
WHAT: A summer in the center
NOTES: I don't think anyone is actually reading these but that's okay, I just need to write my Greta ;)

Let us forget a while all our petty woes, )

Apr. 1st, 2016


WHO: Greta
WHEN: 1st May
WHERE: Lebanon, Kansas
WHAT: Exploring the new town

I haven't spell checked or even re-read this to check it makes sense but I wanted to get it written and done before I went to bed... )

Apr. 29th, 2016


WHO: Greta (narrative)
WHEN: 26th - 30th
WHAT: Movement

This city's made us crazy and we must get out )

Dec. 19th, 2013


WHO: Greta [narrative]
WHEN: 16th December
WHERE: The woods
WHAT: Visits to the forest for her own purposes

the moon understands dark places )

Jun. 30th, 2013


WHO: Greta [Narrative/OPEN to the wolves]
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: The woods
WHAT: Running and wood times and general little red fun.
WARNINGS: nothing as yet, but tba if there are wolves. (Sex and violence basically.)

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May. 29th, 2013


WHO: Greta [narrative]
WHEN: Monday
WHERE: Her apartment
WHAT: Panic!
WARNINGS: talk of periods and pregnancy

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Mar. 16th, 2013


WHO: Greta Morgan & Werewolves
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: Some New York street of unimportance.
WHAT: Girl, you need to forget this wolf thing.

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Feb. 4th, 2013


WHO: Greta & Skoll
WHEN: Sunday night
WHERE: Somewhere near the Diogenes Club
WHAT: Hello little wolf, Riding Hood wants a bite.
WARNINGS: references to bestiality, tba

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Jan. 7th, 2013


WHO: Greta & OPEN to the wolves
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: The woods
WHAT: Greta always makes the worst decisions in the world

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Dec. 5th, 2012


WHO: Greta & Skoll
WHEN: Wednesday late afternoon
WHERE: A street somewhere
WHAT: Wolfie #2!
WARNINGS: tba, probably just talk.

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Nov. 17th, 2012


WHO: Greta & Hati
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: The streets of Manhattan
WHAT: Just a lovely little run in for the girl and the wolf.

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Nov. 16th, 2012


WHO: Greta & Clio
WHEN: Thursday, late afternoon
WHERE: The Diogenes Club
WHAT: Give me adult advise and listen to my tales of murder!
WARNINGS: talk of torture, murder, bestiality probably. Jesus.

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Sep. 6th, 2012


WHO: Greta and Jacob Grimm
WHAT: Decisions to move back home
WHEN: September 1st, 2012, morning
WHERE: Church with the tower

Yeah, we need to talk about this now )

Aug. 11th, 2012


Who: Fairytales, Wil and Jacob Grimm, Greta Morgan
What: Fairytales tracks down her lady-love
When: Saturday night
Where: wherever that tower is
Warnings: screechy, evil queen!Fairytales. It's the final showdown!

it's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark )

Aug. 6th, 2012


WHO: Greta Morgan, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm,
WHEN: Sunday night
WHERE: The Grimm's home
WHAT: Homecoming. I'm sure it will be cheerful.

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Jul. 30th, 2012


WHO: Greta & Fairytales
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Somewhere in Indiana
WHAT: A rampage of crazy and waking up
WARNINGS: violence

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Mar. 15th, 2011


WHO: Greta Morgan, Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm, and then Fairytales
WHEN: Tuesday mid-morning
WHERE: The Grimm's house
WHAT: Time for daddy to tell Greta who she is! (Originally posted by Greta)

So you're a living fairytale... )

Jan. 13th, 2011


WHO: Greta & The Brothers Grimm (both of 'em)
WHEN: early Thursday afternoon
WHERE: The Grimm's house
WHAT: I am the product of your immortal swimmers! (originally posted by Greta)

I am a product of your immortal swimmers )

Jan. 5th, 2011


WHO: Greta Morgan [narrative]
WHEN: Beginning of January
WHAT: Road tripping and new beginnings

Greta thought of it as a quest.

She'd lived in the same city her entire life but now she was leaving Seattle behind and moving on. Greta had never really done anything on her own before, and now she was nineteen and now it was time to leave the safety of her hometown, her family, and her work. (She'd watched it all slip away through her rear-view mirror and felt unexpectedly misty-eyed about it, as well as suddenly rather nervous about what lay ahead.)

When she'd told her friends she was going to drive to New York she was met with disbelief. "Gret, have you seen the price of gas?" "Oh god, you're going to try to get across the country in that old heap of junk?" "You hate sleeping in hotels!"

And yet Greta was decided. If she was going to do it, she was going to do it right. Otherwise there was just no point. Already she'd put down the deposit for an apartment in the Bronx and she had eight days before she could move in, so why not make it a road trip? She planned to see as much of the country on the way as she could, since she hadn't seen any of it before now.

Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, Delaware, New York.

By the time she reached the edge of the Big Apple Greta felt considerably older than she had been before she left. It seemed a lot longer than eight days. She'd never been out in the world before.

New York was completely different to Seattle in every single way, although if anyone had asked she wouldn't have been able to tell them exactly how. Right then she was just looking forward to getting to her new home and sleeping for a few days.

It was just before dawn when she found the building and dragged her backpack up the stairs. The studio was empty of any furniture except for the couch the landlord said he was leaving. It would have to be her bed for a few days. She considered going to sleep on it right away but instead decided that she shouldn't leave her things in the car.

No elevator meant she spent the next forty minutes trekking up and down the stairs with all her possessions, hoping she wasn't waking anyone up.

While the electricity worked, the heating didn't. Greta sighed and smiled, telling herself that all of this was just part of the adventure. She put on some more layers and then made herself a bed, curling up on the couch under her blankets and falling asleep.

An argument on the street below would wake her up in two hours, but for now she slept deeply.

Jan. 13th, 2011


WHO: Greta & The Brothers Grimm (both of 'em)
WHEN: early Thursday afternoon
WHERE: The Grimm's house
WHAT: I am the product of your immortal swimmers!

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