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Jun. 26th, 2020


WHO Everyone!
WHEN Saturday night
WHERE Peitho and Hermes' apartment
WHAT Peitho's Symposium
NOTES Posting early! For organisation it's probably easiest if each new thread says who's going to be in it and when in the night it is (ie: Luna and Peitho, early in the party; Luna and OPEN. 11pm). Makes it especially easy once things collapse.

Your suspicions are correct: rich people are weird as shit. )

Feb. 17th, 2017


Who: Hercules and Hebe
What: The only way hercules will get comfortable
When: Tuesday
Where: Hebe's place of business
Warnings: TBD

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Apr. 27th, 2016


Who: Hercules and Hebe
What: The two lovebirds are still having some bumps in the road with Hercules' trust
When: Wednesday night
Where: Hebe's place of business
Warnings: TBD

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Aug. 18th, 2012


Who: Hercules and Megara
What: Hercules is out on a search and runs into the least likely of people.
When: Saturday night
Where: NY streets
Warnings: TBD

Feb. 14th, 2011


Who: Hercules and Hebe
Where: College Hebe goes to (if she's still in school Angela, I thought she was, tell me if it is otherwise)
When: Valentine's, 2011
Warnings: TBA

Flowers! )

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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Hercules and Hebe
What: Hercules comes home
When: Thursday night
Where: Hercules apartment
Warnings: TBD

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Sep. 11th, 2011


WHO: Demeter, Hercules, Artemis, Apollo, Perseus
WHEN: Thursday night
WHERE: A conveniently unnamed park in Brooklyn
WHAT: Catching the crazy earth mother.
WARNINGS: Violence, tba

Sep. 10th, 2011


Who: Hebe and Herc
When: Wednesday evening, September 10, 2011
Where: Their place
Warnings/rating: Nothing expected

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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Hera, Zeus. And the Rest of the Greeks who got invited
What: Greek Party
When: Saturday evening, June 25, 2011
Where: Zeus' Penthouse
Warning: TBD (But it's a lot of Greeks in one area)
Note: FOR EVERYONE. It was our big event, wanted to bring it along.

It's an Olympian kind of party! )

Jun. 16th, 2011


Who: Hercules and Prometheus
When: Wednesday afternoon, June 16, 2011
Where: Prometheus' studio
Warning/rating: None

Apr. 4th, 2011


Who: Hebe and Herc
When: Monday, immediately following this conversation, April 4, 2011
Where: Herc's work
Warnings/rating: Hebe being clingy and making 'hers' known. Otherwise tbd

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Jan. 11th, 2010


Who: Zeus and Hercules
What: Hey Dad! Long time no see.
When: Tuesday night/Early Wednesday, January 11, 2011
Where: Zeus' penthouse
Warning: Bonding time?

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Jan. 10th, 2010


Who: Hercules and Hebe
What: After this conversation.
When: Monday night,  January 10, 2011
Where: Hebe's apartment.
Warnings: TBD, fluff

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Dec. 4th, 2010


Who: Hebe, Hera, and Hercules later on
What: Mother-daughter girlie catchup times! Aaaand then not-so-fun times. D:
When: Saturday, Dec 4 lunchtime
Where: Maze (Hope this works! I figure Hera would want to spoil and go to an upscale place)

Nov. 30th, 2010


Who: Hebe and Hercules, with appearances by Samson!
What: Lovers reunite
When: Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Where: LaGuardia Airport and then who knows
Warnings: None

Reunion! )

Nov. 26th, 2010


WHO: Peitho and Hercules
WHEN: Thursday early afternoon, November 26th, 2010
WHERE: Peitho's apartment
WHAT: Peitho really likes the epic heroes
WARNINGS: Sex, or at least references to.

Nov. 25th, 2010


Who: Hercules and Hera
What: Herc runs into to his 'favorite' person (JOY!)
When: Thanksgiving day, 2010
Where: Hospital Zeus is staying

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