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Feb. 26th, 2018


WHO: Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: Backdated Valentine's
WHERE: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
WHAT: Jonah tries to make a grand gesture

Standing on uneven ground.... )

Jul. 4th, 2017


WHO: Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon (late)
WHERE: Streets of NY
WHAT: Jonah teams up with Emma to try and find Sammy
WARNING: Awkwardness

Crossing paths.... )

Feb. 17th, 2017


WHO: Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: Friday
WHERE: Emma's
WHAT: Jonah gets hit by the Eros bug
WARNING: Cuteness?

Nothing stopping me now.... )

Jan. 2nd, 2016


WHO: Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: Backdated December 16th
WHERE: Jonah's place
WHAT: Jonah and Emma still trying to figure things out.
WARNING: Cuteness? Log reads backwards

Help me get this right.... )

Dec. 7th, 2015


WHO: Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: December 7th
WHERE: Emma's
WHAT: Jonah has newly returned, but he's not himself...
WARNING: Cuteness? Log reads backwards

Tell me I'm ok?.... )

Jul. 24th, 2014


WHO: Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: July 15th [Backdated]
WHERE: Emma's (or her mother's?)
WHAT: Celebrations with Virtues
WARNING: Cuteness?
Status: Incomplete

Girl of his dreams?.... )

May. 7th, 2014


WHO: Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: Thursday after Emma is home
WHERE: The Baron's apartment
WHAT: Jonah almost acting like a boyfriend
WARNING: Cuteness?
Status: Incomplete

Just trying to get back to normal.... )

Apr. 23rd, 2014


WHO: Envy, Emma Franklin and Jonah
WHEN: Wednesday
WHERE: Envy's creepy little hobbit hole
WHAT: Envy has been keeping Emma prisoner and Jonah finally wises up from his kidnapper letters to find her.
WARNING: Creepy ass Envy
Status: Incomplete

Playing the knight on a shiny white horse.... )

Mar. 26th, 2014


WHO: Envy and Emma Franklin
WHAT: Stalkers with bad intentions kidnappings!
WHEN: Friday late afternoon
WHERE: Streets of NY/ Envy's hideaway
WARNINGS: Violence, struggling, a creeper doing his thing...

Your success means nothing, time to tear you down... )

Oct. 14th, 2012


Who: Red Baron and Emma
What: Keeping his little girl safe
When: Friday [Backdated]
Where: Emma's place, then Con's apartment
Warnings: TBA, though not much (I hope!)

Sep. 19th, 2012


Who: Emma Franklin and Marius
What: Random run-in with an immortal.
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Just outside the building Marius protects
Warnings: tbd
Note: I wasn't sure what you wanted to use for his tag so I left it open

Read more... )

Aug. 29th, 2012


Who: Emma Franklin and the Red Baron
What: Awkward talking of immortal things.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Conrad's place
Warnings: tbd

this is going to be soooo awkward )

Feb. 22nd, 2012


Who: Red Baron and Emma Franklin
When: Friday evening
Where: Emma's apartment
Warnings/rating: tbd

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Jan. 27th, 2012


Who: Red Baron and Emma Franklin
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Grocery store
Warnings/rating: tbd

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