December 2024




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Nov. 27th, 2024


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Avery Duffield, Freddie (Patience) and Rhadika Khatri
WHEN: Two days after this
WHERE: Patience and Armaan's place
WHAT: Interview
WARNINGS: Memories of hostage time
... )

Nov. 19th, 2024


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Patience, Michael, Saint Patrick, Henry Ceredig, Avery Duffield
WHEN: Early hours of Saturday
WHERE: Hospital tiimmeesss
WHAT: Hospital tiimmeesss
... )

Nov. 17th, 2024


WHO: Avery Duffield, Henry and Add Ceredig, bits of Armaan and Iestyn
WHEN: Same time as this
WHERE: Avery's place
WHAT: Henry telling the bestie Armaan is Armaannapped
... )

Nov. 11th, 2024


WHO: Armaan Khatri, some thugs, eventually Patience and St patrick (tiny bit of Henry)
WHEN: Gonna forward date it to like Friday the 15th of Nov
WHERE: The news station carpark and then various
WHAT: A lil kidnapping. A micro kidnapping. A kidnappingette
WARNINGS: Thug tropes? A mini kidnapping, violence
... )

Nov. 3rd, 2024


WHO:Armaan Khatri and Avery Duffield
WHEN: Sunday, the day after this
WHERE: Their place
WHAT: Armaan is moving out and Avery is Displeased
... )

Nov. 2nd, 2024


WHO: Armaan Khatri and Patience
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Patience's
WHAT: Moving the relationship forward
WARNINGS: Maybe smut? Maybe? Probably nothing.
... )

Dec. 27th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Patience, Rhadika Khatri [NPC]
WHEN: CHrismas day
WHERE: Freddies, then Rhadika's
WHAT: Resolving a break
WARNINGS: Cuteness?
... )

Dec. 18th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Iestyn and Henry Ceredig, possibly momentary Saint David to answer the door, eventually Freddie and Rhadika Khatri [NPC]
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Casa Ceredig
WHAT: Help me
WARNINGS: Homophobia, conversion practices
... )

Oct. 7th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Patience, and Rhadika Khatri [NPC]
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Rhadika's and then whatever happens lol
WHAT: Telling Rhadika who Freddie is
WARNINGS: Swears, general unhappiness
... )

Aug. 12th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri and Patience (Freddie)
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Freddie's
WHAT: Spoiling Freddie Day
WARNINGS: Possibly smut?
... )

Jun. 18th, 2023


WHO: Saint Patrick, Wrath, Armaan Khatri and Patience
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Patrick and George's apartment
WHAT: Wrath reluctantly helping while being simultaneously awful
WARNINGS: Language. And literally who knows what Wrath will bring up so TBC on that
... )

Jun. 14th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Patience
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WHERE: Patience’s
WHAT: Armaan is a sad bb
... )

Jun. 8th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Avery Duffield, Henry Ceredig
WHEN: Thursday evening (a week and a half after the breakup)
WHERE: Armaan and Avery’s
WHAT: Armaan is a sad bb
... )

Jun. 3rd, 2023


WHO: Sloth and Scooter, then Patience and Armaan
WHERE: Near Patience's place and then inside it
WHAT: Sloth is trying to break in her plaything and breaks Armaan's heart
WARNINGS: murder with a gun

Shoot the shit )

Apr. 15th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri and Patience [Freddie] - But Avery first
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Armaan, Avery and Lyra's apartment
WHAT: Cooking for Freddie. Also Avery being a butt
WARNINGS: TBA, possibly smut, possibly nothing!
... )

Jan. 12th, 2023


WHO: Armaan Khatri and Freddie (Patience)
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Freddie's
WHAT: Armaan lost his brand new job
... )

Nov. 12th, 2022


WHO: Armaan Khatri and Patience "Freddie" and Radhika Khatri [NPC]
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Radhika's place
WHAT: Meeting the mum! And then a conversation
WARNINGS: None for the mum part, talk about sex later
... )

Oct. 4th, 2022


WHO: Armaan Khatri and his mother Radhika Khatri [NPC]
WHEN: Friday, September 30th
WHERE: Radhika's apartment
WHAT: Coming out
WARNINGS: Coming out
... )

Sep. 1st, 2022


WHO: Armaan Khatri, Patience
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: The MEAN STREETS (or just a footpath) and then Armaan, Avery and Lyra's place
WHAT: Some chats and Armaan wanting kisses real bad. Maybe some kisses.
WARNINGS: I highly doubt it, yo, this is Patience. He aint gonna do it for ages.
... )

Aug. 20th, 2022


WHO: Armaan Khatri and Freddie Strong (Patience)
WHEN: Aug 15th - August 20th
WHERE: Various coffee houses!
WHAT: Meet cutes and dates!
WARNINGS: GOSSIPY BARISTAS (but seriously, no)

An almond milk caramel latte please )

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