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May. 8th, 2022


WHO Mary & Much
WHEN Tuesday, 19th April [backdated]
WHERE Much and Alan's
WHAT The space between post-Easter and pre-lasagna

Took me into the dark then pulled me out )

Mar. 12th, 2022


WHO Mary & Nicholas
WHEN middayish, Sunday, 4th March
WHERE Fusion Blues
WHAT Honey, I'm home (and dealing with everything fine!)
WARNINGS talk of Lucifer murders

Today's the day the gods walk out on me )

Feb. 28th, 2022


WHO Mary & Much
WHEN 28th February
WHERE Detroit
WHAT A night of driving for some, and others just rode the train. But waffles for everyone
WARNINGS possibly talk of Lucifer but tbd

I was dreaming while I drove the long straight road ahead )

Feb. 26th, 2022


WHO Mary Magdalene
WHEN 27th February
WHERE Detroit
WHAT Traveling across this fair land of ours
WARNINGS references to sexual assault, Lucifer stuff, and messing with distances for the sake of scenes.

... )

Feb. 25th, 2022


WHO Mary Magdalene
WHEN 25th February
WHERE Salt Lake City, Utah
WHAT Wake up and shake it off
WARNINGS talk about death (but nothing detailed)

Burnin' through the memories of a lifetime's past )

Feb. 20th, 2022


WHO: Lucifer, Mary Magdalene
WHEN: Backdated to February 8th
WHERE: Desert
WHAT: Just torture
... )

Feb. 5th, 2022


WHO Mary & Lucifer
WHEN Early February
WHERE Chihuahuan Desert, Texas
WHAT A life of quiet contemplation, of course

... )

Aug. 14th, 2021


WHO Mary & Much
WHEN Saturday afternoon
WHERE A park / Much's apartment
WHAT Some preaching activities followed by some less holy activities (wink wink nudge nudge)
WARNINGS sex, references to rough sex,

Get up off your knees, it's time you knew that the gods are people too )

Jul. 16th, 2021


WHO Mary & Much
WHEN Friday night
WHERE Fusion Blues
WHAT Hey buddy, wanna hang out real casual?
WARNINGS sex, general Lust feelings from Much

... )

Jul. 5th, 2021


WHO: Much, Mary, Lust
WHEN: Sunday/Monday
WHERE: Various locations
WHAT: 'Sometimes, when people make me cross, I have to break their toys'
WARNINGS: Certainly nothing IFFY in here, sex-wise (that's a lie, it's iffy AF)

So you think you can tell Heaven from Hell )

Jun. 25th, 2021


WHO Mary & Judas
WHEN Friday night, directly after this scene
WHERE Judas’ place
WHAT Lust has done her whammy on Mary

Oh, confess I must: I am driven by weakness and lust )


WHO Mary Magdalene & Lust
WHEN Friday night
WHAT Checking in on a local saint
WARNINGS Lust making threats, but nothing detailed

Steal every scene I just stumble into )

Jun. 19th, 2021


WHO Mary & Much
WHEN Sunday night
WHERE Some community hall
WHAT It's an amateur showcase, but they get free wine!

... )

May. 28th, 2021


WHO Mary the Miller's Son & Much Magdalene
WHEN Friday night
WHERE Fusion Blues
WHAT Catching up during Much's Bad Times
WARNINGS maybe sex? Or maybe Much getting very drunk?

You're chasing some feeling you heard somebody's felt before )

Mar. 28th, 2021


WHO Mary & Judas
WHEN Friday 26th
WHERE Judas' house
WHAT Reasonable adults who deal with grief and loss in reasonable ways.
WARNINGS tba but violence and/or sex is probably a good bet

Some people stay and some people break )

Mar. 9th, 2021


WHO: Much and Mary
WHEN: Tuesday night
WHERE: Diogenes then the Parsonage
WHAT: Gnomes, boners, and houses of God
WARNINGS: The boners are R rated, the gnomes and church things less so

You bring me closer to God )

Oct. 20th, 2020


WHO Mary Magdalene & Patroclus
WHEN Late-ish Tuesday night
WHERE Fusion Blues
WHAT I just want a scene with these two, okay?
WARNINGS probably sex but Mary is sometimes unpredictable

please tell me just what kind of fool am I )

Aug. 15th, 2020


Who: Lucifer, Michael, Mary Mags, St Patrick, St David, Aderyn Ceredig, Iestyn Ceredig, anyone else at the rescue
What: Rescues!
When: Friday morning
Where: Lucifer's
Warnings/Notes: TBA - but afteraffects of torture and also choking and death

The wards are down )

Aug. 2nd, 2020


WHO Mary Magdalene & Nicholas Rowland
WHEN Early Saturday afternoon (1st August)
WHERE Fusion Blues
WHAT Sometimes humans are good at reminding you of your purpose

Say another prayer for the lost and lonely )

Jul. 27th, 2020


WHO Mary & Judas
WHEN Monday night
WHERE Fusion Blues
WHAT The Dream Team out doing their usual - which means drinking.
WARNINGS tba, some variation of sex and violence but probably both will be less since they're in public!

There's a face that we wear in the cold light of day  )

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