Who: Anthony & Veronica What: Post-saving Michael, Anthony makes a last-ditch effort to save his relationship When: Monday afternoon Where: Veronica's place
Who: Veronica, Joey, Kyle, Poseidon, Hermes (in the distance), and whoever else came along What: Boy meets dad When: Wednesday, after 5pm, January 26, 2011 Where: Someplace public with water near Warning: Language is expected. TBD Notes: Whoever replies first starts the posting order.
Who: Poseidon and Veronica (appearance by Bernie [NPC] and Ariel?) What: Time to play daddy for an afternoon. When: Monday afternoon, June 5, 2011 Where: Poseidon's office Warnings: Poseidon's mouth, but fairly decent behavior.
Who: Poseidon and Veronica What: Poseidon is full of sad, Veronica is a saint and tries to help Where: Veronica's place When: Tuesday afternoon, May 3, 2011 Warnings: Language, Poseidon, TBD
Who: Veronica and Poseidon What: 'Hey, you're supposed to be sick' When: Sunday around noon, April 10, 2011 Where: Near Kyle's Warnings: Language, probably violence, Poseidon
Who: Bridget Llywelyn, Veronica and Monique Reppyi What: Wedding Plans When: A bit after this Where: Veronica's place Warnings: Very little I'd imagine
Who: Poseidon and Veronica What: Random encounter at the diner she waitresses at, startling news (oh HAI I remember you) When: Monday evening, December 18, 2010 Where: Veronica's place of work
Who: Veronica and Anthony What: Well hello Saint boyfriend When: Wednesday Where: Anthony's office Warning: Kisses, TBD Note: Reposted as a favour, originally posted by Veronica and Anthony