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Dec. 19th, 2022


WHO Luna & Peitho
WHEN Saturday, 17th December
WHERE San Diego
WHAT Who is supposed to be in charge around here anyway?
WARNINGS idk but feel like it should have something. Peitho is… Peithoy?

All the lessons you're learning haven't made you stronger )

Dec. 6th, 2022


WHO: Iestyn and Henry Ceredig, later Luna Olmos, Saint David, Aderyn Ceredig, Friar Tuck and St Francis
WHEN: Tuesday
WHERE: Casa Ceredig
WHAT: Hermes sending gifs
WARNINGS: Ridiculous
... )

Dec. 4th, 2022


WHO Luna & Merlin
WHEN Sunday evening
WHERE Merlin's place
WHAT Hey, where's Luna been for almost a year?

Once upon a time there was a girl: pleasing the world, dying to be liked, looking for love )

Jun. 21st, 2022


WHO Will & Luna, then Erato
WHEN Tuesday night
WHERE Illunis (mostly)
WHAT All I do is get over you and I'm still so bad at it

You're not mine anymore, but I'm still a little bit yours )

Apr. 27th, 2022


WHO Luna Olmos
WHEN Thursday through Sunday (21st - 24th April)
WHERE Arcata, California (mostly)
WHAT Luna is become a property mogul

all the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey )

Mar. 11th, 2022


WHO Luna, Merlin, Leo
WHEN Thursday, 10th March
WHERE around, but eventually Merlin’s place
WHAT This should have been three different scenes Let's say 'hanging out with Merlin!'
WARNINGS references to sex, domestic violence, porn

I don't know where I'm goin', but I'm headed there fast )

Feb. 20th, 2022


WHO: Hermes and Luna
WHEN: Backdated to January 19th, just a few days after Luna and Peitho got home
WHERE: Peitho's
WHAT: "where da tattoos?"
... )

Feb. 13th, 2022


WHO: Henry Claus, Luna Olmos, and a bit of Hermes
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Peitho's place
WHAT: Just a chat, we'll see!
WARNINGS: Unlikely unless it's luna worrying what Peitho would do to Henry if she was there!
... )

Jan. 20th, 2022


WHO Luna & Merlin
WHEN Thursday night (20th January)
WHERE Merlin's place
WHAT Very professional Luna is back to see her favourite client
WARNINGS some vague talk of torture, probably sex

But I'll clear a runway for you in the jungle, baby, if you’re thinking about showing up )

Jan. 17th, 2022


WHO: Hermes, Peitho, Luna Olmos
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Their apartment
WHAT: Reuinions
... )

Jul. 21st, 2021


WHO Luna
WHEN Monday night
WHERE Illunis
WHAT catching up with old friends
WARNINGS mentions of Dunkin

there's things I forgot, so just let them rest )

Jul. 18th, 2021


WHO Luna & Uzume
WHEN Saturday night (17th July)
WHERE Elsewhere, Bushwick
WHAT Rooftop dance party ladies!
WARNINGS tba, maybe not much?


Jul. 17th, 2021


WHO Luna & Hecate
WHEN Sunday (12th July) (the morning after this)
WHERE Staten Island
WHAT Take it all out on some old walls
WARNINGS Luna stuff

You tear us apart but this won't die )

Jul. 11th, 2021


WHO Luna, 'Hermes', Apollo
WHEN Saturday night (11th July)
WHERE Peitho's apartment
WHAT Sometimes a threesome isn't the solution to every problem
WARNINGS sex (at the very least, a lot of talk about sex)

The sweetest love in life cuts you like a knife )

Jun. 30th, 2021


WHO Luna & Ariadne
WHEN Thursday afternoon
WHERE Some Manhattan street
WHAT Hey, aren't you my skeleton twin?

She carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it )

Jun. 27th, 2021


WHO Persephone, Luna, and me shamelessly godmodding everyone else momentarily, apologies
WHEN 21 June [backdated]
WHERE Peitho's apartment
WHAT The night of a solstice
WARNINGS vague mentions of sexual assault/slavery in the context of Luna and Persephone?

Some people stay and some people break )

Jun. 21st, 2021


WHO New Hermes, Luna
WHEN Friday 18th, afternoon
WHERE The Penthouse
WHAT Hermes getting used to being Hermes
WARNINGS probs smut

I could get used to this )

Jun. 19th, 2021


WHO Luna & Hecate
WHEN Sunday afternoon
WHERE Staten Island
WHAT Making things happen
WARNINGS just Luna's scar issues really

Every single time make a compromise )

May. 29th, 2021


WHO Tinsel, Theo, feat Luna and Merlin
WHEN Friday night
WHERE Farcical Aquatic Ceremony
WHAT Tinsel gonna MAKE A MOVE
WARNINGS awkward lesbian

Lobbing a scimitar )

May. 25th, 2021


WHO Luna & Will
WHEN Tuesday night
WHERE Peitho's apartment
WHAT Luna wants to make her move

... )

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