Who: Higher Education, Jacob Grimm, anyone else who sees fit to attend
What: Research Opportunities
When: Wednesday Night
Where: The Diogenes Club
He really was not that fond of clubs. There was something about the air of a meeting-place that set his teeth on edge, perhaps the fact that little to nothing productive ever seemed to get done. At the moment, this was most certainly the case.
Higher Education sat back in his chair, eyeing the other people in the club with detached interest and fiddling absentmindedly with the notepad in his hand. Thus far, his attempts at soliciting help with his research had had predictable results, as in there had been no results entirely. The psychopomp could understand to a certain point - the intricacies of the topic, as well as the apparent insanity of studying gods were likely to drive off all potential assistance save from those already acquainted with psychopomps. But when he was already spread thin between work and less-personal research, his patience failed to likewise stretch to accomodate.
Ten minutes. He would give himself ten minutes, attempt to at least "ping" some immortals or other potential markers of godly existence like 4chan had mentioned, and if that failed he would simply leave.