Who: Samson and Delilah Where: Delilah's place When: Thursday, March 22nd What: Running into his old flame after a long time. Note: Reposted as a favour
Who: Samson and Delilah What: A chance meeting after a long break of silence between the two. When: Sunday evening Where: Coffee shop/walk/Samson's place (I'm very uncreative atm with places) Note: Reposted as a favour
Who: Samson and Delilah What: Let's talk about god, death oh and yeah the devil. When: Last week, backdated Where: Samson's apartment Note: Reposted as a favour
Who: Samson and Delilah What: Same old song and dance, my friend Where: Samson's place When: Sunday Warnings: Language, probably some mentions of sex at the very least, TBD? Note: Reposted as a favour
Who: Samson and Delilah What: A scheduled meeting and (oh god woman don't cut meh hair!) When: Monday night Where: Restaurant Daniel and then who knows....all depends on the little temptress. Note: Reposted as a favour