February 2025




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Jun. 30th, 2013


WHO: Greta [Narrative/OPEN to the wolves]
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: The woods
WHAT: Running and wood times and general little red fun.
WARNINGS: nothing as yet, but tba if there are wolves. (Sex and violence basically.)

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Feb. 4th, 2013


WHO: Greta & Skoll
WHEN: Sunday night
WHERE: Somewhere near the Diogenes Club
WHAT: Hello little wolf, Riding Hood wants a bite.
WARNINGS: references to bestiality, tba

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Dec. 5th, 2012


WHO: Greta & Skoll
WHEN: Wednesday late afternoon
WHERE: A street somewhere
WHAT: Wolfie #2!
WARNINGS: tba, probably just talk.

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Sep. 19th, 2012


Who: Hati and Sol (Open to Skoll)
What: Awkward wolf/Sun encounter
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Skoll's place
Warnings: tbd

what big teeth you have )
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Jul. 25th, 2012


Who: Skoll and Sol
When: Friday morning
Where: Skoll's place, and then RUNNING
Ratings/warnings: tbd
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Who: Sol & Skoll
What: Conversations between captor and captive. Also, one seriously unhappy Sol.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Skoll's apartment

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Who: Skoll and Sol
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Ratings/warnings: tbd
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Who: Sol & Skoll
What: Skoll finally finds his Sun
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Grocery store
Warnings: Uhm...Skoll being creepy? Other than that, TBD

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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Hati and Skoll
What: Skoll tries to cheer his brother up
When: Wednesday, early evening
Where: Woods, just outside the city
Warnings: Language, possible violence, Hati and Skoll being themselves, tbd

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Who: Fairytales & Skoll
What: ...There's seriously no telling with these two
When: Thursday evening
Where: The forest outside the city

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WHO: Ate & Skoll
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: The wolf foresty place
WHAT: Two crazies in the woods
WARNINGS: Violence, a little gore, language, tba
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Mar. 9th, 2011


WHO: Greta & Open to Hati and/or Sköll
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: The woods
WHAT: When Greta said she wasn't interested in Hati she was lying. Just in case that wasn't clear before.
WARNINGS: creepiness? tba

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Aug. 9th, 2011


WHO: Greta, Hati, Skoll
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: The woods the wolves live in
WHAT: A gift for her friends.
WARNINGS: References to violence, creepy sexuality, and eating small defenseless animals.

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