Who: Alternative Rock, Homonoia, brief appearance from Rock [Narrative, open to Kyle] When: Friday evening Where: Kyle's work What: Run-ins, Alt being Alt Warnings: None
Who: Kyle and Homonia When: Monday, late afteroon, July 30th, 2011 Where: Naxos before hours What: Kyle practices his drums, hanging out with a few of his new bandmates for the afternoon when Homonia stops by.
Who: Kyle and Homonoia (expect appearances by Arete and Praxidike) When: Wednesday night, May 4, 2011 Where: The Praxidikai's place Warnings/rating: tbd
Who: Kyle Narrative [Open to Homonoia] What: Kyle heads over to Naxos and stumbles his way around inflicted by whatever state Dionysus is going into. When: Tuesday Night, April 12, 2011 Where: Naxos bar Warnings: TBD
Who: Homonoia and Kyle What: Safe dinner after a not-so-safe meeting with an Olympian When: Jan 26, 2011 after this Where: Kyle's place Warnings: Likely nothing, but tbd otherwise
Who: Veronica, Joey, Kyle, Poseidon, Hermes (in the distance), and whoever else came along What: Boy meets dad When: Wednesday, after 5pm, January 26, 2011 Where: Someplace public with water near Warning: Language is expected. TBD Notes: Whoever replies first starts the posting order.
Who: Kyle and the Praxidikai What: Homonoia's taking Kyle up on checking out Naxos/mommy and sister dear are curious When: Jan 18, 2011 night Where: Naxos Warnings: tbd
Who: Kyle and Hephaestus What: Anyone seen or heard from Ariadne? When: Sunday night Where: Naxos Warnings: Nothing really that I know of Note: Reposted as a favour