WHO: Theseus and Nike WHEN: New Years [Backdated] WHERE: Theseus' boat, out for a little ocean drive... WHAT: First time he's seen Nike since the fiasco with Phaedra WARNING: TBA
WHO: Theseus and Nike WHEN: November 3 WHERE: Nike's place WHAT: Theseus gets sucked back to NY after two weeks, after straightening Greed out, he goes to see Nike before heading back to Greece for his daughter. WARNING: TBD
WHO: Greed and Theseus WHEN: November 3 WHERE: Sports Bar WHAT: Theseus gets sucked back to NY after two weeks, spends a day straightening Greed out before heading back to Greece for his daughter. WARNING: Greed freaking out
Who: Theseus and Nike What: Theseus is back after being holed up in the Brooklyn Bridge fallout shelter and is still suffering the after effects from Dionysus... When: May 31st Where: Zoe's appartment Warnings: Olympians suck balls
Who: Theseus and Poseidon What: Theseus puts his foot down and doesn't run to save his skin. Poseidon shows him who's boss. When: May 22nd/May 23rd Where: Office and then a hidden fallout shelter Warnings: Poseidon is a dick
Who: Theseus and Nike What: After this whole ghost fiasco When: March 23rd Where: New York City Warnings: Nike and Theseus being adorable awkward babies
Who: Theseus and Nike What: New Years Eve Date When: Backdated New Year's Eve Where: New York City, fencing school Warnings: Nike and Theseus being adorable awkward babies