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Jul. 20th, 2021


WHO Judas and Friar Tuck
WHEN Tuesday evening
WHERE Tuck’s church
WHAT God loves a trier

when I am down and o my soul’s so weary )

Jul. 19th, 2021


WHO Sloth (with appearances from Judas and Hermes)
WHEN Sunday night
WHERE in the city
WHAT A day in the life of a Sin
WARNINGS drug use, sex

One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small )

Jun. 25th, 2021


WHO Mary & Judas
WHEN Friday night, directly after this scene
WHERE Judas’ place
WHAT Lust has done her whammy on Mary

Oh, confess I must: I am driven by weakness and lust )

Jun. 1st, 2021


WHO Cin & Judas
WHEN (BACKDATED) Friday, April 9th
WHERE Judas' place
WHAT Hey... just checking you're still alive
WARNINGS references to suicide and murder

... )

Apr. 2nd, 2021


WHO: Judas Iscariot, Cin Warmoth
WHEN: Good Friday
WHERE: Judas’ apartment
WHAT: Easter is the very worst time of year and Judas can’t take it anymore. Cin unexpectedly saves a life
WARNINGS: attempted suicide, depression, alcohol and drug abuse

Friend, do what you are here to do )

Mar. 28th, 2021


WHO Mary & Judas
WHEN Friday 26th
WHERE Judas' house
WHAT Reasonable adults who deal with grief and loss in reasonable ways.
WARNINGS tba but violence and/or sex is probably a good bet

Some people stay and some people break )

Jan. 10th, 2021


WHO Cin & Judas
WHEN 28th December
WHERE Judas' place
WHAT job interviews
WARNINGS not much surely

... )

Jul. 27th, 2020


WHO Mary & Judas
WHEN Monday night
WHERE Fusion Blues
WHAT The Dream Team out doing their usual - which means drinking.
WARNINGS tba, some variation of sex and violence but probably both will be less since they're in public!

There's a face that we wear in the cold light of day  )

Jul. 4th, 2020


WHO Judas Iscariot, Friar Tuck
WHEN Sunday early afternoon
WHERE A park in New York
WHAT Interesting converation

Just let me be )

May. 5th, 2020


WHO Mary & Judas
WHEN Wednesday afternoon
WHERE Judas' place
WHAT Feed me booze and maybe bad feelings
WARNINGS tba (fighting? fucking? literally just sitting and being friends? no one knows) EDIT: Surprise! It's violence! EDIT 2: Surprise! It's sex!

we're not lovers, we're just strangers with the same damn hunger )

May. 15th, 2013


WHO: Judas and Mary
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Veritas, a restaurant in NYC
WHAT: possible reconciliation
NOTES: just jump in whenever, Circe =)

dinner and wine )

May. 8th, 2013


Who: Judas (narrative)
What: that's a lot of money
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Home

rolling in the benjamins )

Nov. 15th, 2012


WHO: Mary & Judas
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Mary's place
WHAT: A scene either for them yelling at each other... or being surprisingly sweet... or having sex... or a bit of all of that.
WARNINGS: Let's veer on the safe side and go with fucked up angry foreplay/attempted rape

Read more... )

Nov. 13th, 2012


WHO: Judas and Mary
WHEN: Wednesday daytime
WHERE: Central Park
WHAT: Mary's not practicing what she preaches

i heard there was a secret chord )

Aug. 10th, 2012


WHO: Mary Magdalene & Judas Iscariot
WHEN: July 22nd, The Feast Day of Mary Magdalene
WHERE: Mary's place.

Read more... )

Aug. 7th, 2012


Who: Judas and Lena
When: Sunday night
Where: Lugosi's
What: light banter

you don't have to go home )

Jul. 23rd, 2012


Who: Judas Iscariot, and Delilah
What: Chance meeting
When: Monday Lunchtime, 26/9/11
Where: a food court

Read more... )


Who: Judas (narrative)
What: resurrection
When: Tuesday early morning, 13/12/11
Where: a morgue

when I wake up )


Who: Huitzilopotchli and Judas (originally posted by H)
What: 'You slept with my girlfriend, prepare to die'
Where: Random Alley O'Clock
When: Thursday afternoon, 8/12/11
Warnings: Violence, mentions of cannibalism, death

Someone's getting murdered today )

Oct. 5th, 2012


WHO: Mary Magdalene & Judas Iscariot
WHEN: Tuesday night
WHERE: Some dive bar in Manhattan
WHAT: The wife and the betrayer. Yeah, this'll go real well.
WARNINGS: Violence, language, creepy sexuality.

Our sufferings are countless and our pleasures are motley few )

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