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Jul. 17th, 2015


Who: Rhode, Helios, and baby Magan
What: Life is actually OK right now
When: Friday night
Where: Their house

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Sep. 8th, 2013


Who: Helios & Rhode
When: Sunday night
Where: Their place, then the hospital

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Dec. 28th, 2012


Who: Rhode & Helios
What: At the doctor!
When: Backdated to Thursday
Where: Doctor's office

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Dec. 4th, 2012


Who: Rhode & Helios
What: Honey, I'm home
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Their apartment

We don't even have to try, it's always a good time )
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Oct. 29th, 2012


Who: Helios and Rhode [cameo by Poseidon]
What: Poseidon drags Helios home in the wind and rain.
When: Monday night
Where: Rhode and Helios' apartment
Warnings: TBD


Who: Poseidon and Helios [Narrative]
What: Poseidon enjoys the storm and come across his least favorite son-in-law
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Sag Harbor, NY

You called? )

Sep. 25th, 2012


Helios and Rhode
Helios goes with Rhode to her appointment and waits for her in the waiting room.
Monday early afternoon
Doctor's office
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Aug. 26th, 2012


Who: Rhode and Helios
What: Having lunch, Helios wants to make sure for himself that his little wife is alright
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Cafe

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May. 21st, 2012


Who: Rhode & Helios, anyone who could see these entries
What: A wedding! I love weddings! Drinks all around!
When: Thursday evening
Where: Fire Island by the shore, Bocce Beach for reception
Warnings: Lots of Greeks in one place + alcohol could = o_O, Poseidon is his own warning, possible language, TBD
Notes: There are two threads, one for the ceremony and one for the reception. Feel free to have your kids mingle before the ceremony and then party it up at the reception! Sub-threads are awesome! Jump in whenever and go ahead and tag yourselves. :D

Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married... )

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Who: Helios & Rhode
What: Rhode is feeling a little frazzled right now
When: Saturday night, June, 2, 2012
Where: Rhode's place

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May. 21st, 2012


Who: Rhode & Helios
What: First visit since Helios left
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Rhode's apartment

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May. 17th, 2012


Who: Helios and Hephaestus
What: Old run-ins after being 'kicked out' from Rhode's apartment
When: Thursday night, May 17, 2012
Where: Streets of NY, back toward's Helios' apartment
Warnings: None

Feb. 12th, 2012


Who: Helios and Rhode
What: Helios wakes one morning and plays out a reel from 50 First Dates when he doesn't reckonize his wife.
When: Sunday, February 12, 2012
Where: Helios' apartment
Warnings: Confused Helios and fluff.

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Dec. 31st, 2011


Who: Helios and Rhode
What: Rhode teaches her boy to swim some more.
When: New Year's Eve
Where: On cruise ship
Warnings: FLUFF

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Dec. 10th, 2011


Who: Hecate, Rhode & Helios (Tiny cameo by Hypnos)
What: Catching up over dinner
When: Saturday evening
Where: Hecate's place

Nov. 30th, 2011


Who: Helios and Rhode
What: Memories back (sort-of) Helios has his little sea bride over.
When: Wednesday night/Thursday morning, November 30, 2011
Where: Helios' apartment
Warnings: Fluff, TBD

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Nov. 27th, 2011


Who: Helios and Eos
What: Some unfortunate accidents cause memories to come back, sister/brother reunions
When: Sunday night, November 27, 2011
Where: Liberty State Park
Warnings: None

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Nov. 11th, 2011


Who: Helios and Rhode
What: Can't get the girl out of his head, but still doesn't remember who he is to her.
When: Wednesday night, November 23, 2011
Where: Rhode's place

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Jul. 20th, 2012


Who: Helios and Demeter
What: Helios' makes an appearance in Demeter's restaurant.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Drakones restaurant


Who: Helios & Rhode
What: Reunions
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: New York Harbor, near the Statue of Liberty

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