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Posts Tagged: 'r:+sarah+grant'

Jul. 12th, 2018



WHO: Sarah Grant
WHEN: morning, 7/12
WHERE: her kitchen
SUMMARY: Sarah thinks about the Alps.
WARNINGS: Nah, it's just sad.

... he watched Bucky take up the shield in his stead. )

Jul. 11th, 2018



Seriously, come on. How does anyone get anything done around here? It's too damn pretty.

Jul. 3rd, 2018



Me on 4 July:

Sarah, what do you want to do for your birthday? Eat steak, blow up a bunch of shite and wear the Stars and Stripes unapologetically?

I hate to rain on the True Love and the adorable baby fever but we have a problem. Dragon Lady Shield called. She informed me they were visiting. I don't know when because I informed her she and Dragon Husband could not stay since my girlfriend the practising Wiccan did spells in the spare room and then I hung up. Oops.

Let's all go to Majorca for an extended (until school starts) vacation.

Jun. 27th, 2018



WHO: Sarah Grant
WHEN: ... the day Alee gave birth lol
WHERE: the hospital
SUMMARY: Her baby sister goes into labor and Sarah's emotions and thoughts are all over the place.

'Wherever you go, whatever you do, I’m always going to be here.' )

Jun. 25th, 2018



-- You're going to keep your birthday to yourself and all of America.
-- She decided today was a very nice and convenient day to be born.
-- I just got checked in at the hospital. Mehdi drove me, and Zeke is on his way from D.C.

-- If there were any bets about when I would go into labor, today is the day.
-- But hey, I'm not sullying anyone's couch on an otherwise lovely evening.

-- The hospital is going to page you, but I'm beating them to it because holy crap this thing is happening.
-- I mean, I'm not close to pushing yet, but I have a room.

Jun. 9th, 2018




Jun. 1st, 2018



Just a reminder, yours truly will be hanging out at the arts and crafts fair this weekend! I have a booth on both Saturday and Sunday, so come on by, say hello, buy some artwork. You know the deal.

May. 24th, 2018



WHO: Sarah Grant
WHEN: this evening
WHERE: a local antique shop
SUMMARY: Sarah finds something old and familiar.

... she was wandering aimlessly from one area to the next when her eyes fell on something old and brass on a table. )

May. 16th, 2018



Mikhail, this is my girlfriend, Margaret. Margaret, this is Mikhail.

At the risk of sounding really crazy and driving you off, Mikhail, I'm going to fess up to something here. The reason I called you Bucky is because I saw you in these dreams I had and that's what I called you. I'm introducing you to Margaret because I've seen a woman who looks just like her, too, and I can't shake this feeling that it means something and I can't shake how much I want you both to know each other. Is this weird? It's weird. I'm sorry.

May. 14th, 2018



Hey Dunhaven! Got a question for you.

... I know you love the flower farm, you all raid the stall at the Farmer's Market. I know you love getting locally-made and hand-grown corsages for Prom and Mother's Day. But seriously. How much flower power can you get and not get sick of it? Because I'm trying to pitch the idea of a boutique flower bar inside of one of the local shops. (Currently drowning in dahlias, for example.)

So would you maybe/definitely/not even/go nuts for the chance to make your own bouquet and take it home during the week? Then still come see me on Saturday mornings?

um hey. I know I don't talk a lot.

Apr. 15th, 2018



How are you feeling? Got room for a foot rub later?

Hey, there. This is Mikhail, the guy from the coffee shop a few weeks back. Could I [...] buy you a drink sometime?

I'm coming over, FYI.

Apr. 13th, 2018



WHO: Sarah Grant & her momma!
WHEN: April 8
WHERE: Grandma's
SUMMARY: Sarah & her mom get breakfast!

The dull ache of homesickness never really went away. )

Mar. 31st, 2018



WHO: Sarah Grant & Margaret Shield
WHEN: hmm let's say last Saturday, since spring break makes sense for a weekend in DC
WHERE: the Smithsonian, Washington DC
SUMMARY: Sarah gets a weird sense of deja vu and talks to Margaret about it.

'Do you ever -- get this weird feeling you’ve been somewhere or seen something before?' )

Feb. 27th, 2018



WHO: Sarah Grant
WHEN: 2/26, nighttime
WHERE: Her house
SUMMARY: Steve Rogers rescues Bucky Barnes :)

'Yeah, I’ve knocked out Adolf Hitler over two hundred times!' )

Feb. 13th, 2018



GIRLFRIENDS (feel free to assume this includes already established friends, colleagues, etc.)
Happy Galentine's Day, you poetic and noble land-mermaids!! Finnley managed to secure a private room at The Square (please apologize to your mom in advance, Denver) and I've kicked my husband out of the house for the night for an evening of wine, facials, and whatever the heck we want on Netflix. Can't to wait to see you ladies tonight! ♥

Feb. 12th, 2018



Art teacher problems: trying to narrow down the gallery choices for the senior trip to D.C. We can't see them all, no matter how much time I wish we had.

Feb. 1st, 2018



So it's official. We're halfway there because twins are considered full term earlier than singletons. It's scary as hell, but exciting at the same time. Fetal anatomy scans soon. Before long we'll know whether we're having mermaids or dragons, and I'm super excited to find out.

Cut for Image )

P.S. I will literally pay someone to deliver me a large hot chocolate from Java Chip. (It's not coffee, Nina!) And a giant banana blueberry muffin. And jalapeno poppers from Grandma's. There's an extra tip in it for you if you don't judge me.

Jan. 30th, 2018



WHO: Sarah Grant
WHEN: hmm tonight!
WHERE: her bedroom
SUMMARY: Sarah gets some memories of Sarah Rogers and of Bucky
WARNINGS: Character death (Sarah Rogers) & mentions of a funeral

'I'm with you til the end of the line, pal.' )

Dec. 15th, 2017



Well, Aleida and I received an early Christmas surprise yesterday...

[Immediate family and possibly certain friends (of Alee's lol) would've been told before this announcement]



PSA: the school library's extended evening hours are for study, not for group carousing. I expect quiet voices and beverages only in the allowable areas. If the student staff finds you frolicking amongst the stacks with your paramour, you will be banned. Do not abuse the staff. I will find out and find you. And I have a very particular set of skills.

It's strange that we're both kind of, um. Well, we're both a bit taken this year, aren't we? Thanksgiving was a delight but I'll be damned if I give you up for Christmas. Tell Nina and I'll tell Sarah. We're having the most traditional bloody Christmas supper you've ever seen.