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Posts Tagged: 'r:+brynn+stone'

Jul. 29th, 2018



I want all of these songs played at my wedding. (Except "Blurred Lines". That song is, was, and forever will be terrible.)

Jul. 22nd, 2018



WHO: Brynn
WHEN: tonight, 7/22
WHERE: her bedroom
SUMMARY: Brynn's still struggling to find a dress for a certain wedding.

Nothing in her closet was going to work. )



No anonymity this time. It's pretty public knowledge at this point that these dreams and memories are a pretty widespread issue, right? So I want to ask everyone who's been having them for help. How do you cope with a life that isn't yours but feels as much yours as your own is? The person I've dreamt about lost someone recently (recently for me, anyway, so I suppose that term is relative) and I find myself grieving the same way I would had I physically lived through it myself. How do you handle that? Has anyone else experienced loss that doesn't necessarily belong to them? I know that there's only more loss to come, thanks to being familiar with this person's story already even without the dreams and memories, and I [...] just want to know that I can face them without feeling like this when they inevitably come. Because if it feels like this now, I don't know how I'll even function through what's to come.

Anyway, thanks in advance for tuning into today's episode of Charlie Proves She's Crazy AF.

Jul. 11th, 2018



instagram post )

Jul. 10th, 2018



Hey, so I know that this is last minute, but I was thinking that I'd like to have a good, old fashioned cook out at my place this weekend, because I don't really know how to do a get together that isn't revolving around food in some way. I know I see a lot of you on a regular basis for various reasons like D&D or whatever else, but I kind of wanted to engineer a reason to have all of my favorite people in one place for a few hours to just hang out, maybe play some games, and definitely enjoy some food. You can bring significant others or family or whoever you want. My apartment isn't huge, but we can make room.

If you're available on Saturday, come on over around 6PM. I'll make burgers and hotdogs and some other stuff, but feel free to bring a dish to pass. I'll have limited supplies of alcoholic drinks, so BYOB if you want something fancy.

Anyway. You're all the best and I hope you can make it.

I know you guys have your hands full of new baby, so I completely understand if you're not up for something like this, but know that you, Zeke, and Adelaide are all definitely welcome if you are. This disclaimer is only a little bit selfless, because I want to see that baby girl at all times.

Jul. 2nd, 2018



Things to do the rest of this summer: study for the GRE x a million. 😬

I'm starting to think I should have taken this right after I graduated instead. Oops.

Jun. 25th, 2018



-- You're going to keep your birthday to yourself and all of America.
-- She decided today was a very nice and convenient day to be born.
-- I just got checked in at the hospital. Mehdi drove me, and Zeke is on his way from D.C.

-- If there were any bets about when I would go into labor, today is the day.
-- But hey, I'm not sullying anyone's couch on an otherwise lovely evening.

-- The hospital is going to page you, but I'm beating them to it because holy crap this thing is happening.
-- I mean, I'm not close to pushing yet, but I have a room.

Jun. 23rd, 2018



instagram post )



WHO: Brynn Stone
WHEN: June 22/23
WHERE: Her bathroom.
SUMMARY: Brynn makes a change.
WARNINGS: There's one cuss word, lol

'Bitchin'. )

Jun. 17th, 2018



instagram post! )

Jun. 10th, 2018



This isn't only now occurring to me, but I think it's starting to sink in that my daughter is going to be ten in a month. That's a double digit age.

We should do something soon. Just you and me.
Hey. How have you been?



I have honestly never seen a game and food night put together so well, and that has nothing to do with my bias. I've been to a lot of events like it in both my time as a gamer and as a professional in the gaming industry. For anyone who happened to miss it, do yourself a favor and petition Eve to host another one. Great food, great community. A+ would do it again.

And for everyone who did make it, I have two requests:
1. If you happened to jump in on the beta, please go to http://www.blackswordsmangames.com/idyllmir/beta/feedback/ to take a short survey about gameplay and mechanics so that we can further improve the full game releasing Winter 2018.
2. Ignore these crazy rumors that I cried when the first five beta players launched the game. I did no such thing.

Anyway, thanks for playing. And make sure you tell Eve how epic the night was because she deserves to hear it.

Jun. 6th, 2018



instagram post )

Jun. 5th, 2018



Cut for image! )

I love this game. It will never, ever get old. Even when Bethesda finally (FINALLY) releases a new Elder Scrolls (grr re: Fallout teasers, btw), I foresee myself returning to Skyrim, just for buggy goofiness like that.

I think I need a girls' night. I've been focused on work and Niall other things and have been neglectful. Can this be a thing? My place, I'll cook, we can chat or watch a movie or anything else?
Hello! We should hang out. A Noah-free and non-D&D related hang out, I mean. And I should note that this isn't going to turn into one of those dumb things where a sibling gets all "if your hurt them, blahblahblah" like they do in movies. I don't think I could pull that off successfully on a good day, to be honest. I just like knowing the people who are important to my brother, because that automatically makes them important to me.

Anyway! If you're ammendable, let me know when you're free. We could do food? I remember you liking pizza, so we could do Sal's? Oh or we could do homemade pizza at my apartment?? I don't know. Something like that. I'm also kind of babbling, which is a thing I do, spoiler alert.

May. 30th, 2018



WHO: Brynn Stone
WHEN: 5/30, evening
WHERE: the Stone house!
SUMMARY: Brynn takes a bath, and Eleven remembers trying to help find Will via sensory deprivation bath.

... and there were no lights anywhere, no sound anywhere but the dripping of water and her breathing. )

May. 17th, 2018



While I was leaving work today, my sister told me that because I "actually use that network thing" she needed me to "make a blog or whatever it's called" for her. I asked if this meant I'm the social media manager of the restaurant now and she said "sure, if it helps you sleep at night" and then "no, before you ask it, it's not a paid position". Hopefully she never actually starts using the network or the resulting sigh when she sees this will be heard back in NYC.

One thing that I miss most from NYC are board game cafes. The Uncommons is where I spent way too much of my time before I moved. So that's exactly what we're going to try to recreate here in Dunhaven. On June 9th, Stella's will be hosting an all day board game event from noon until 10PM. It's the games from RotD and the food from the kitchens of Stella's, with a themed and basically awesome drink, app, and meal menu, if I do say so myself. You can come and hang out as long as you want, so long as you're having fun while doing it.

So, put it on your calendars, friends. It'll be good. This has been a couple months of coordination (and convincing/begging) in the making, so I can't wait.

May. 16th, 2018



-- Did you see that anon post?
-- Look like we’re not alone. This is nuts.



I'm taking a risk here, but hope that the lack of judgement is going to extend beyond the anonymous comments.

I know I'm supposed to put up the sigil, but my dragon drawing attempts were ridiculous so if whoever was talking to me last night about Targaryens would filter me, that would be wonderful. I didn't have any more insight, but I've been thinking about this all day.

May. 15th, 2018



Hello, Dunhaven!

I'm pretty sure everyone knows me because I am legitimately the loudest resident in this town but, for the sake of modesty, allow me to introduce myself to anyone who doesn't. I am Charlie Parker, a senior at Athena Academy. For one of my capstone projects, I am hosting a social experiment that requires your help. It's kind of like Post-Secret which, if you're unfamiliar with it, is a project that collects anonymous secrets on postcards. It's wonderful and I highly recommend it. I would like to conduct something similar here, though it would be isolated to the network versus mailing me your secrets. It's really easy to participate. All you have to do is leave me an anonymous secret here. All comments are anonymous in that even I won't be able to tell who posted them. Though anonymous, they will be public. Comments can be anything, even something as simple as song lyrics that speak to you but that you wouldn't share with other people normally.

Please help me, Dunhaven! You're my only hope of getting a passing grade on this capstone!

[OOC: Comment with your character journals as normal, not as anon. For IC purposes, we will still assume it's all anonymous to the characters. Thought this would be a good opportunity for people to find out that others are having weird dreams, too, among other things!!]

May. 11th, 2018



instagram! )