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Posts Tagged: 'c:+niall+malone'

Feb. 25th, 2019



-- Em's having the baby

Feb. 24th, 2019



instagram post! )

Feb. 15th, 2019



Let's not talk about the armful of discounted chocolate I just came out of the grocery store carrying.

I had a thought this morning and I need you to tell me if it's silly or too sentimental.

Feb. 1st, 2019



[posted at like 5AM when she first gets to work]

Good morning.

Jan. 27th, 2019



Any chance you can take off early tomorrow? I have something I want to show you.

EVE, KIERA, DANIELLE, NOAH; after talking to Eve
Hey, random(ish) question, but would any of you be interested in sharing a big house with Eve and me?

Jan. 21st, 2019



Cut for image! )

🧙‍♀️ 😏

added later

Jan. 4th, 2019



Happy Friday, folks.

I'm sorry I was cranky this morning. It wasn't anything you
Have you had any other memories since [...]

Hey. I'm making tacos for dinner tonight, if that's something you want to eat.

Dec. 27th, 2018



It's kind of weird that Christmas is over and we're almost to the new year? I don't really know what to do with this information. It's especially odd, because I'm on vacation until January and now that the NY-based family is gone, I'm not really sure what to do with myself.

So, since I did ask everyone for the things they were thankful for on Thanksgiving, I thought I'd continue that vein and see if anyone has any exciting plans or goals for 2019! I don't like to call them resolutions, because I feel like that word has too much attached to it with their being temporary. Goals, on the other hand, seems kind of solid. Maybe not, I don't know. But, do you have any? I want to hear them! I'll even start us off:
1. Travel for something other than a convention. Though I am all about traveling to go hang with my fellow nerds, I think it's well past time for me to go on a vacation that doesn't revolve around cosplay and standing in crowded lines. I don't really know where I want to go, though, so I welcome suggestions on places other people have enjoyed.

2. Adopt a cat! That had been the plan before Yui burrowed her way directly into my heart and it's still the plan. I think that she needs a furry friend around here.

3. Get a membership for the Y and then actually go before my body realizes I'm getting old. 😫 Maybe even join Noah on some kind of dumb marathon thing. 😫 😫 Use my yoga pants for something other than video game playing attire. 😫 😫 😫

4. End 2019 with a different last name. This leaves some wiggle room for date setting and all that other important stuff that I'm told is supposed to be decided upon. Honestly, having this on here is cheating a little bit; I'm definitely going to become Mrs. Malone nfdskjfs at some point.
There you have it. I feel good about these. 2019 is going to be a good year, friends.



In case you missed the announcement this morning, Dan of Mornings With Dan fame at WRAV is officially retiring at the end of 2018 after roughly a million years with the station. Taking over the morning time slot will be yours truly, so get ready to listen to my dulcet voice on your morning commutes. I promise not to make it too painful for you as I struggle with transitioning between a vampiric sleep schedule to normal human being.

PS: On as scale of zero to So Very, how Grinchy is it if you take down all of your Christmas decorations before NYE? Asking for a friend.

Dec. 25th, 2018



instagram post! )

Dec. 4th, 2018



WHO: Eve Ritter & Niall Malone
WHEN: Tuesday, December 4, 2018; Late Evening
WHERE: Eve’s apartment
SUMMARY: Eve lifts the Niall ban and decides to take a big step forward.

Commitment seems like a pretty good next step, right? )

Nov. 23rd, 2018



The holiday might have been yesterday, but I'm stuck in the backseat of this car for five hours today. So tell me what you're thankful for, Dunhaven. It can be silly, it can be sassy, or it can be downright sappy. I want to hear about it.

Did you get any sleep last night?

Nov. 13th, 2018




Sooo. Emilia's pregnant.

Oct. 30th, 2018



So, my (/our, Noah) mom just called me.

I love you. A lot.

Oct. 2nd, 2018



If you don't want to be on the receiving end of a look of true horror while checking out at the grocery store, do not answer the question "are you going to the homecoming game on Friday?" with anything other than an enthusiastic yes.

Do you have something you'd like to share with the class, Niall?

Sep. 20th, 2018





Sooo [...] I was wondering if, perhaps, some of you might be interested in possibly joining me in going to the Ren Faire in Annapolis on, say, September 29th? Since the one in town is done and I didn't get the chance to actually go because of work and everything else, I thought that would be the next best thing. So we could do the Faire during the day and maybe come back through DC and stop somewhere particularly good for dinner? It could be fun, maybe?

Anyway. Just let me know if you'd be interested! It just [...] seems like that would be a good weekend for that kind of thing.

Aug. 30th, 2018



HEY DUNHAVEN. In case you weren't in the know, in sixteen days it's my birthday and possibly someone else's, who knows. I sure don't.

Also in sixteen days is the WRAV Scavenger Hunt! This has been going on long before I rolled into town, so I'm guessing most people already know how this goes, but! If you happen to not know, it's this crazy scavenger hunt that folks here at the station have been cooking up literally since the day after last year's scavenger hunt concluded. The hunt takes you all around the town and should literally take you all day and have some pretty hefty cash prizes that you can use to buy me drinks afterwards! Because of course there will be fun times after, with food, alcohol available to those of age, live music, dancing, all that good stuff.

If you want to take part, all you have to do is stop into the radio station and register! You can also register the morning of the scavenger hunt, it you want to get up and do so before 8AM when the festivities begin. I will be there, chugging Monster, pretending I'm a morning person, and feeling every one of my twenty-seven years.

Also, we have officially met the moment where we can say that we've graced Dunhaven with our presence for over a year. The actual anniversary of the departure from LAX to DCA was couple weeks ago, but the scavenger hunt was my first big hurrah at the radio station, so that's what marks a year in my mind. Ohhh, what a year.

Aug. 25th, 2018



I don’t talk a whole lot about deeply personal stuff here, but others have been talking about their dreams openly, and so I guess I'm wondering if anyone's in the same boat I've found myself in. Not hoping for it, because I wouldn't wish this on other people, but wondering --

Has anyone else dreamt about dying? Not in the surreal sort of way that dreams take on sometimes, but with some sort of finality? Like you knew it really was the end of the line?

When you really start to dread sleeping.



Cut for image! )

And then when that person (usually my brother) says something about how they got skimped out on fries, I just pretend I didn't hear. 🤷

Aug. 19th, 2018



Open bars: a blessing and a curse.