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Posts Tagged: 'c:+niall+malone'

Jul. 17th, 2019



Working in a food truck in nearly 100 degree weather is sweaty business, in case you were wondering. Come to me, Fall. I'm ready to be less sweaty.

Calliope and Thomas invited us, along with some others, for a weekend at their vacation house on Chincoteague Island. They're sorting out a date, but I'm being a dutiful wife (wiiife! never getting old) and running it by you first and double checking your weekends. You're welcome.

Jul. 5th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jul. 1st, 2019



HELLO, Dunhaven. Several things:

1. Despite my reservations, we returned from Ireland. You're welcome, Noah.

2. Due to higher education calling one of us away, we have an open spot in our D&D group! Though we can continue on as we are, I wanted to see if anyone might be interested in filling this opening. Right now is a good time to get involved in regards to the campaign; we've been sort of on hiatus thanks to wedding/E3/honeymoon taking up most of June and when we start up again we'll be sort of diving into a new leg of adventure, so it would be easy to incorporate someone new. What more, we're going to take advantage of the two famous geeks in our midst and start recording our sessions for podcast format and potential livestreaming. If you're comfortable with that, are available Tuesday evenings, and want to get involved in a group with some truly amazing and creative players (their DM is just so-so, really 😉), let me know and we can chat!

3. This is old news, but as I've been away it might not have been obvious, but I have ended my time working at Roll of the Die. I had been working there since I moved to Dunhaven in 2015, but it's just gotten hard juggling the weekend hours with everything else I've had going on and it seems like a sign. I will probably still hang around during tournaments and will be leading some D&D sessions, but strictly on a volunteer basis.

4. Yui's gotcha day was while we were honeymooning, so to celebrate now, here is a picture that I took today of us looking super cool as we came home from the dog park. Cut for image! )

Jun. 11th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jun. 10th, 2019



Guys, don't tell this to LA, but I have been back here literally six hours and most of that time was spent in traffic or in line and I am so missing Dunhaven. I've been back to small town livin' for a hot second, but I'm already ruined.

That being said, guess who is eating In-N-Out right now? Cut for image! )

Jun. 4th, 2019



instagram post! )



WHO: Friends and Family of Eve Ritter and Niall Malone (feel free to assume your character was invited)
WHERE: 1234 River Road, Dunhaven
WHEN: June 4 with the ceremony starting at 3PM, dinner and reception immediately following
WHAT: Eve and Niall are getting married!

you ought to give me wedding rings )

Jun. 1st, 2019



Are you busy?

I mean, I know you're probably really busy setting stuff up or cleaning or whatever else to get ready for Tuesday and I'll be over to help later, I swear, but [...] do you have a second?

May. 29th, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 26th, 2019



Holy heck, you guys. Did you know that Dunhaven has a food truck? It's like I never left LA. Except, you know, the incredible lack of traffic (A+), smog (A++), and In-N-Out (F-). I probably didn't pay enough attention when I came home last, though, because there are all sorts of fun new things around town and I've only been here a handful of days and those days have not given me nearly enough time to explore.

So, obviously, instead of exploring I am on my phone. Just doing my civic duty to play into those dumb stereotypes people have about millennials, I suppose. You're welcome.

Anyway, hi! I am back, Dunhaven. I being Phoebe Wu.

May. 21st, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 19th, 2019



I really appreciate that you two have given up so much of the last couple of weeks to check in and care for me and bring me into your homes when I needed you the most. So I just wanted to say again that I love you both, and you were just what I needed tonight.

Probably GOT Spoilers on post )

May. 1st, 2019



How is it May already? Where has this year gone? Am I getting old if I ask these questions?

I made the mistake of giving Mom an inch. She isn't being too bad, all things considered, but she took my sending her some pictures of things as an invitation to send links and opinions on things we've already finalized. And it's fine. It's really, honestly fine. At least she isn't outright telling me all the things I'm doing wrong in this planning. But

Anyway. I'm just whining and you two are obligated to love me, no matter how much I whine, so you're the unfortunate recipients of said whines.
How likely is it that I can talk you into an early night of pizza, pajamas, and Mario Party? Leftover raspberry lemon cake is also likely.

Apr. 23rd, 2019



instagram post! )

Apr. 17th, 2019



Note: The parents were not very amused when I asked if the USC scandal is shedding light on how I got in. 🙃 And I wonder why they seem to have a general demeanor of exasperation around me at all times.

I wanted to give some space, but it's proven to be too much and I'm breaking down. How are you doing, D?

Mar. 25th, 2019



Cut for image! )

I'm usually (predictably) an Alliance kind of girl, buuut. 🤷‍♀️

Mar. 18th, 2019



Hi. Good morning.

Do you guys talk to Eve and Max about your dreams?

Mar. 13th, 2019



Hey. I've heard from others in town that you're the guy to contact if I'm looking to commission custom furniture--they say you're the best. I'm looking for something like this, but with more seating, and more space for each setting so that each person has their own cup holder, place to roll dice, and enough room for books, notes, and character sheets. Kind of like this but with the monitor in the middle where they have the 3D model in the second picture.

Is this something you'd be able to do? And would three months be too short notice? I'm getting married in June and I'm hoping to do this as my wedding present to my (future) wife.

Mar. 2nd, 2019



Delivered to Eve & Niall's Family and Friends )

Feb. 27th, 2019



posted right at midnight!

instagram post! )