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Posts Tagged: 'c:+ashton+liang'

Sep. 9th, 2019



I still know nothing about fashion, but I do know that this is fantastic.

What if Would you I had a dream last

Hi. Sending you positive Monday vibes. Hope you can feel them from there.

Sep. 8th, 2019



WHO: Ash Liang → Linh Cinder
WHEN: Late night of September 8
WHERE: Her bedroom
SUMMARY: Ash finds out just what sort of damage Cinder can actually do.
WARNINGS: Torture, though it isn't graphic or anything

Ash didn't want that responsibility, no more than Cinder did. But now, seeing just what Cinder could do when she really tried… it terrified her. )



Instagram Post! )

Aug. 29th, 2019



Seriously considering setting up a cot in my classroom if the a/c isn't back up and running by the end of the school day.

I have become too reliant upon modern convenience and not sweating.

Aug. 26th, 2019



This summer was a very good one, but I have to admit that there's something comforting about being back in a routine. This was day one of classes and I'm sure I'll take it all back come around day four (so, you know, Thursday) when I start missing near daily waffles with my #1 and wearing pajamas until noon, but today I'm good with it.

Hey, you. We should do dinner or something soon, if you're free.
If there was someone else that was sharing dreams with us, would you want to know?

Aug. 21st, 2019



Cut for image! )

Aug. 19th, 2019



I don't usually post publicly about this dream stuff, but I'm just...curious. How many of you find a large amount of similarities between yourself and your dream self, and how many of you find that you're completely different from the person you dream of?

I can't decide which one is worse. I'm...very similar to my person, even things that happened long before I started dreaming of him seem to have an echo in these dreams. tbh sometimes it kind of reminds me of that movie Us, like we're tethered to one another, and what happens to one happens to the other in at least some capacity. Only, luckily neither world is a dark underground bunker and also I don't think my dream-self is capable of murdering me or vice-versa. Anyway. Sometimes it sucks, but then I was also thinking it probably sucks to dream of someone really different, too, especially if they were like...a bad guy, or something.

Anyway. I guess I'm just kind of wondering what other people experience on this front.

Aug. 18th, 2019



instagram post! )

Aug. 16th, 2019



A few months ago I posted a lovey-dovey video that one of my classmates put together for our psych class with a bunch of married couples talking about when they knew they were in love with their partner. She did another one, this time just for fun, with some other footage from when she did the interviews and she sent it my way because my grandparents are in it (57 years). This time they talk about first kisses, which is all very sweet and can be seen here.

Like last time, I feel like I need to open up the stage for some further warm fuzzies and possible amusing stories to be spread around. So tell me about a first kiss, Dunhaven at large. It could be with your current partner or maybe your very first kiss, if yours wasn't with your current partner. I'm so over packing right now and just want to hear some stories. 🥰

Aug. 14th, 2019



We have been in Hawaii for 12 hours and I'm 95% sure that I live here now.

I forgot to mention that Lua is really used to getting a treat first thing in the morning, because she always gives me that look when I first wake up so if she sort of just paced around and was generally irritable this morning, it was probably because she was expecting you to give her a treat before breakfast.

Aug. 8th, 2019



At the risk of talking about Star Wars again, this is awesome. Cut for image! )



Instagram Post! )

Aug. 5th, 2019



Time for another anon post, if you're so inclined to jump in. Your responses can, as always, be public or anonymous, whichever makes you most comfortable.
Is there anyone from your other life that you wish was here with you, that you could see and talk to in whatever capacity? Assume for the purpose of this post that your response does not come with the unintended consequence of wishing dreams/memories on another individual. This just piggybacks off of the last post when we talked about things you wish you could say to someone back there, or here.

Aug. 3rd, 2019



Cut for images! )

In case there was any question, Dunhaven, I've got really unreasonably adorable kids.

Aug. 1st, 2019



instagram post! )

Jul. 30th, 2019



Happy Tuesday, Dunhaven. We'll make it through this week yet.

I have Hana news. Good news, I should say.

Jul. 29th, 2019



Stella's food truck is back open for business today! 20% off for anyone who takes a picture of either their food purchase or themselves in front of the truck or brick and mortar and shares it on instagram with us tagged in the photo and #makewafflesnotlasagna in the caption. Though, to be fair, I would happily eat my weight in lasagna today, too. ❤️

Thanks for your patience, everyone. I love this community more than I can say.

Your waffles are free today, though.

Jul. 28th, 2019



I'm sorry about the title of this article and the tech itself, since I'm pretty sure there are people pretty tightly wound around Star Wars here, but this is amazing. It sounds like a lot more development is needed, but that tech is just really very cool.

Let me just apologize ahead of time for the stream of consciousness you're inevitably about to receive from me.

I was going to post a picture from the wedding on Instagram because we were so fancy, but I realized that I didn't know if I was allowed to do that. You know that I don't post anything particularly offensive or inappropriate online, but the last thing I want to do is accidentally make things complicated for you. I know we go around town and obviously went to the wedding together, but I also know that's different than me tagging you in a picture when you're, you know, a public figure and I'm, you know, me. Should I make my social media accounts private? Or get rid of them? Or, I don't know, not use them?

I'm sorry if this is weird and presumptuous. I mean, I don't even know if people actually care about that kind of thing. But I guess I just want to know what you think so I don't make your life difficult.

Jul. 25th, 2019



Lauren Ridloff, a Deaf woman of color, cast in a Marvel role that's canonically a hearing white male.
If you need me, I'll just be over here enjoying tears of white nerds. 😂

Jul. 24th, 2019



I'm so sorry for any inconvenience the lack of food truck has been for anyone the past couple of days. I've made the decision to park it for the remainder of the week, but it (and the wonderfully beautiful and talented Eve) will be back in service on Monday. Until then, everything we serve in the truck (and the aforementioned wonderful Eve) can be found at the brick and mortar Stella's. Thanks for your patience, everyone.

[...] Hey.