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Posts Tagged: 'c:+rhys+stone'

Mar. 26th, 2019



All right, fellow parents, I've got a serious inquiry for you. How do you put a pause on the whole growing up thing? Just temporarily until I can both process the fact that Jonas is growing up way too fast and also wonder where all the time went.

Mar. 24th, 2019



WHO: Lyllianna Stone, Rhys Stone, and Astrid Stone.
WHEN: BACKDATED; February 13, 2019. (We forgot to post this. Oops.)
WHERE: Their house, and then the hospital in Dunhaven.
SUMMARY: Astrid arrives!
WARNINGS: Difficult labor, near death (though nothing graphic,) and lots of feels.

Astrid Hope Stone )

Mar. 12th, 2019



Instagram Post! )

Mar. 9th, 2019



instagram post! )

Feb. 26th, 2019



We have someone new sharing our dreams, and that person is on this filter. I don't want to share anyone's identity without their permission, though, so this is just a blanket invitation to open up to everyone else were sharing these dreams with if you want to. It's fine if you want to stay anonymous, and I'm there last person who can judge you for doing so. We're in this together, though, so there's that.

Spoilers in comments**

Feb. 25th, 2019



Instagram Post! )

Feb. 20th, 2019



It's been one week, and that time has flown by all too quickly. We've been home for a few days, but taking some time to ourselves.

Astrid Hope Stone, you are every perfect dream come true.

Cut for Image )

Feb. 12th, 2019



Just wanted to let you all know that Lyllia was just admitted into the hospital and it looks like the newest Stone will arrive in the near future. We're at the hospital here in town and I'll give updates as things progress!

Jan. 10th, 2019



Cut for image! )

I did it. It might have taken much longer than I care to admit and I may have smashed my thumb an unreasonable amount of times with the hammer, but it's done.

Jan. 8th, 2019



I don't know how I'm going to make it through the next two+ months of waiting and waiting and waiting some more until grad school applications get processed. I've been checking my status obsessively even though I know it's too early, and I don't know how to stop. What if Send help in the form of distractions!!!

Oct. 11th, 2018



So, good news. GRE scores came back! Everything's good enough. I hope. God, I ho Now I'm on to the next steps of 1) getting letters of recommendation and 2) filling out applications. This part will all be done by Christmas, and then we wait more and I plan a 'congratulations Brynn' vacation to myself.

That or it'll be a 'I'm the worst and this is meant to take my mind off it' trip, but fingers crossed for the former.

I will start taking destination suggestions, starting... now.

Sep. 27th, 2018



WHO: Rhys Stone
WHEN: Night of September 27
WHERE: His home, outside Rose and Ian's rooms
SUMMARY: Rhys checks in on his sleeping kiddos and has some thinks about being a dad.

Soon everything would be changing -- and damn if it wouldn't be great. )

Aug. 27th, 2018



got spoilers )

Aug. 25th, 2018



I don’t talk a whole lot about deeply personal stuff here, but others have been talking about their dreams openly, and so I guess I'm wondering if anyone's in the same boat I've found myself in. Not hoping for it, because I wouldn't wish this on other people, but wondering --

Has anyone else dreamt about dying? Not in the surreal sort of way that dreams take on sometimes, but with some sort of finality? Like you knew it really was the end of the line?

When you really start to dread sleeping.

Aug. 20th, 2018



Cut for image! )

This one is doing things like starting at Athena next week and I just don't know what to do with that information.

Hey, I meant to ask sooner. How was the wedding?

Jul. 6th, 2018



I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I desperately need to get in touch with someone from the anonymous post from a while back. I know that we never agreed to reveal ourselves, but I am looking for the anon Jon Snow. I understand if you don't want to reveal who you are, but I think meeting would answer a lot of questions for both of us. Please...please think about it.

Did that sound too desperate or just the right amount?

Jul. 5th, 2018



WHO: Lyllianna Stone and Rhys Stone (with Lyanna and Ned Stark)
WHEN: July 5th, afternoon.
WHERE: The Stone Household.
SUMMARY: Endings and Beginnings - Lyllianna has dream with finality, but finds out some exciting news with Rhys.
WARNINGS: Death involving childbirth, infertility, pregnancy.

It's positive. )

Jul. 2nd, 2018



Things to do the rest of this summer: study for the GRE x a million. 😬

I'm starting to think I should have taken this right after I graduated instead. Oops.

Jun. 17th, 2018



instagram post! )

Jun. 10th, 2018



This isn't only now occurring to me, but I think it's starting to sink in that my daughter is going to be ten in a month. That's a double digit age.

We should do something soon. Just you and me.
Hey. How have you been?